

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 9-15, 2013

Solar Eclipse – Something Essential Disappears

Thursday is a Taurus new moon solar eclipse. Eclipses tell us something has come to an end, having reached its completion. The Sun (Solar Logos), hidden at solar eclipses, is the source of our essential life energy. When the Sun’s light (life essence) is hidden, something essential within our life becomes hidden too. And disappears. Eclipse effects last six months – three months prior and three months after. Venus enters Gemini Thursday. Venus unites, blends and harmonizes dualities. Venus takes conflicts and uplifts them into creative expressions.

Sunday is Mother’s Day. Let us honor, respect and acknowledge her with compassion. Motherhood is a difficult Initiation

Sunday is also Shavuot, celebrating the giving Ten Commandments (Aries Age Laws, Torah) to Moses on Mt. Sinai (which suddenly blossomed with flowers, making the Jewish people a “nation committed to serving God.” Shavuot is also an agricultural holiday, the barley harvest, celebrating the first fruits of spring.

Mercury enters Gemini Wednesday. It’s a lively position for Mercury, filled with intelligent possibilities, information gathering, inventiveness, grace of speech and manners, agreeing with everyone, keen perception, harmonizing all things into an active and radiant unity! Mercury builds the Rainbow Bridge.

ARIES: The solar eclipse brings a focus on resources and finances and asks the question “what is of value to you?” It’s good to increase savings and use resources for future security. Not only money. But using resources to create a future lifestyle that reflects a simple, more community and cooperative way of life that includes many people. Keep a watchful eye on assets. Increase tithing to those in need. Define your material, emotional, mental and spiritual values.

TAURUS: There continues to be an expansion of personal identity, self-esteem and self-recognition. It’s good to make a list with many columns such as strengths, gifts, abilities, likes, dislikes, hopes, wishes and visions. Each day write words that describe you in each column. During this time new potentials and opportunities for self-expression will come forth providing you with more self-confidence, expanding your horizons. Where do you want to relocate?

GEMINI: A spiritual and psychological expansion is occurring. Others could think you’ve become psychic or intuitive. Dreams may have increased. Record all dreams in a journal. Over time, the dreams relay a message and each dream is one part of that message. If fears and/or desires emerge unexpectedly, allow them also to tell you their story. During this time what’s been hidden for years emerges out of the darkness into the light. You are that light.

CANCER: You are concerned always with family matters. Now you become concerned for the larger family called humanity. Interested in society, groups and organizations you observe how groups significantly help grow values in the lives of others. You are very charitable. However, this charity must first be extended to the self. You are a humanitarian, offering selfless service always. You know humanity is good. You are good.

LEO: You have been thinking about your career, your work and position in the world. Internally you appreciate public recognition. You also are somewhat shy at times. It’s important to acknowledge your determination and aspiration to advance and move forward into the world of your goals. You seek something in form and matter that lets you know your efforts are not in vain. And that you are deserving and successful. That your visions are real. You are all of these. Even your visions.

VIRGO: Your mind has turned to questions of ethics, religion, morality and the philosophical. It would be good to acquire and actually read a book from the Philosophical Research Society (Los Feliz Blvd, Hollywood) by Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of all Ages. You are seeking a foundation and sense of spiritual structure, personal direction and guidance for a life well lived. Study, travel, culture, spiritual practices all lead to wisdom and truth. And real love.

LIBRA: It’s important to share all that you have. First with family – your first community. Then with those closest to you. Sharing creates a depth of psychological well-being. It accelerates spiritual evolution and development. All levels of assets must be shared – material resources (physical), emotional and mental. Then your inner spiritual self. In the new world to come only those who understand that we are to create the new Sharing Society will survive. Will you share?

SCORPIO: Personal (close) interactions are important at this time. We are in relationships (intimate, friend, business, partners, parents, etc.) in order to learn. Everyone is incomplete in themselves. Everyone needs others to help create a sense of duality, of otherness in our lives. Only in otherness can we see ourselves. Reflecting the other, we emerge. This may be a paradox to some. In reality it means everything’s a relationship and everything and everyone is in relationship to everything and everyone else. Scorpios learn harmony through conflict through relationships.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s important to maintain your focus on health and continue to do so. Including nutritional, exercise, sleep, pure water, vitamins, minerals and prayer. For those who are very concerned with health an excellent resource is the work of herbalist, Stephen Buhner. It’s also important to maintain  psychological balance and to make sure the work-related environment is one of harmony, cooperation and collaboration. All of these deeply affect health. We are to be of service to ourselves first.

CAPRICORN: Expressing oneself with real affection can be a deeply creative activity. It’s important to express words that create a deep joy within both yourself and those listening. It’s important that you help develop self-esteem in those around you. Provide them with real tasks that bring forth their gifts. This cultivates within everyone a happiness, sense of place and an inner feeling of specialness. And brings forth balance. These are essential for everyone. You’re the leader.

AQUARIUS: Home and foundation, security and comfort, family relationships and right location – all important factors in your thinking and sense of suitable daily life. There will be changes and adjustments that will occur or already have. You will see the need for improvements concerning everything mentioned above. It will also be essential to consider your emotional and nurturing needs and tend to those for your well-being. Care for your self first.

PISCES: Timing and rhythm are important. There are times and seasons for different events in our lives. If we “push the river” we can drown. If we wait for right timing, then everything falls into place. Sometimes we are the solution, sometimes the problem. We breathe in and breathe out. A life-rhythm. In the rhythm of study and learning there comes a time of sharing what one has learned. This is your position now. Many wait, listen and learn from you.

Risa D’Angeles, founder & director 

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings –

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

Web journal: www.nightlightnews.com

Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology