

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 28 – April 3, 2013

The Spirit of Resurrection, Holy Week, Passover & Easter

Many this week are preparing for Easter Sunday (or the Easter bunny). Easter celebrates the Spirit of Resurrection – a fire resurrecting all life everywhere on Earth.

On Thursday the Sun, Venus and Uranus conjunct (join) in Aries (initiating all things new). The Sun illuminates, Venus carries the Ray of the Aquarian Age, and Uranus rules the Aquarian Age. There is an illumination of things to come, things bright, revolutionary and startling. These new energies falling to earth reveal to us that a new culture and civilization is immanent – the Culture of the New Era Community. The new energies no longer support that which does not build the new world era. Spirit (the Will of God) anchors into matter; the Will-to-Good manifests; and a “new phase of the Plan” is initiated.

There’s immediacy, a fusion, the Light quickens, opposites fuse and a bond is created for some greater goal. It is the goal of building the world anew.

During this Easter week Uranus in Aries, combined with Venus and the Sun, birth into the collective new archetypical ideas from the Mind of God – fiery “pulses of life” emerging into our world, anchoring as seeds, resurrecting as a “new order in the world” We are thus called to develop balance and Right Relations. The established social order is rebelled against. The personal becomes transpersonal. During this time it is also Passover. Easter Sunday has (appropriately) a Pluto (death, resurrection) flavor. The moon’s in Sag. There will be heights and depths of feelings. Let there also be sweetness. In our Easter baskets.

ARIES: It’s time for so many things. Celebrations, a birthday, creating your new appearance, a better way of communicating, beautifying your outer environments, harmonizing your inner environment. And calling forth a greater sense of balance in all parts of your life. You can do this simply by having the awareness and intention. It’s a new year for you. Make it novel, innovative and original.

TAURUS: Your life seems secluded and hidden. Even though you’re out and about in the world at times, you really live behind the veils of an ashramic or monastic reality where you help those in need. Only a very few who know you well know this about your life – how you serve and help others. You teach others to be sympathetic, understanding and compassionate. You look within for spiritual guidance.

GEMINI: People notice that you express greater kindness and consideration to everyone in your group. You realize it’s important to invoke Right Human Relations with friends. It’s a good time to organize and lead a group. Because you inspire others. Should there be difficulties between you and another, talk things through with the guidance of your Soul. That is our spiritual mediator. You are to be the harmony in all relationships.

CANCER: You will experience harmony with those outside your family. They may actually ask to visit you to talk and rest and sit a while. There will be harmony also with those you work with, meeting people at the very moment on the very right day. Your timing is aligned with the world clock, the heaven’s natural timing. Follow all guidelines for gardening by the stars, planets and moon. Grow kale, collards, cilantro, parsley and beets.

LEO: You need to be far away from home. You almost need a to flee, to run away, to break away and for this you need a triptych, an escape route. Perhaps you need to walk a long distance and find those “two roads diverged in a yellow wood…to where it bent in the undergrowth…grassy and wanting wear.” Which road would you take. It makes all the difference. You need an adventurous romance.

VIRGO: There are several areas that need your deep thought. One is relationship and the other is money. Often they go together. The greater question is what is your relationship to money and finances? Ponder upon this carefully. It’s time now for greater trust within relationships and greater security financially. Be sure to create harmony with those you hold money in common. Consider giving gifts unexpectedly to those you love.

LIBRA: It is good to think about kindness. Especially with your

partner, close intimates and work associates. Kindness deepens harmony and creates balance. When discussing any imbalances, kindness allows you to accomplish with ease what may be difficult. Kindness creates a mindful heart. The Dalai Lama said, “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” And it always returns.

SCORPIO: You will take special interest in your appearance (clothing, shoes, hair, health) and all daily personal habits to make yourself more beautiful, healthy and attractive. People will notice the difference. You discover something special about yourself not known before. That you want to beautify, care for and heal humanity, too, and all the kingdoms. You must also care for those you work and live with. They love you. You are the steward.

SAGITTARIUS: All Sag’s will want to go home again. Major planets are in your fourth house which is home, mother, nurturing, and all you were taught as a child. You need the love of your parents, especially your mother. If you can’t go home, then make your home a home and refuge for others. Have intimate chats with the women and men in your life. Beautify your home a bit more. And then call home.

CAPRICORN: You’re deeply considerate, caring and thoughtful toward those you love, especially family and parents. Sometimes you need mother. Something is occurring with your home situation making your home a sangha, place of refuge and beauty. Gardening is also a source of beauty and a refuge. There’s a need for more love to be shown in relationships, one in particular. They must be able to trust you.

AQUARIUS: Do you have brothers and/or sisters (siblings)? It’s good to contact and make things right with them. Write or phone and talk with them. Communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings. If siblings are not available then be with those who feel like family, reaching out to them, discovering what you have in common. You need intelligent friends.  Have tact and diplomacy when interacting. Short trips will ease your need for change.

PISCES: Your relationship with resources, money and finances will be a major focus for a while. This is good. You will either purchase lots of things (herbs, medicine, seeds), buy for others, or feel a lack of resources and be tested concerning your money. Using money for others is returned ten-fold. Do not purchase what’s unneeded. Art is most important at this time. Is there an artist you like? Obtaining a piece of art for beauty and investment would be favorable now. Art and beauty are part of the “popsicle index.”

***Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

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Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology