Holiday certificate program for needy seeks donations


For more than 30 years the Culver City Senior Citizens Association, Inc. (CCSCA) has worked to spread the spirit of goodwill during the holidays through the Annual Holiday Food Certificate Program. Each year this program helps hundreds of people throughout the Culver City area by providing grocery gift cards to those in need.

Qualified low-income families and individuals will have the comfort of holiday meals thanks to your generous donations of cash, checks and money orders.

Checks or money orders can be made payable to Culver City Senior Citizens Association, Inc. (CCSCA, Inc.) and will be accepted until Dec.31, at the address below. All contributions to this program are tax deductible and go to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Verification of your donation will be provided.

Please send donations to:

Culver City Senior Citizens Association

Attn: Holiday Certificate Program

4095 Overland Avenue

Culver City, CA  90232

“Please join us this holiday season by making a true difference in the lives of those less fortunate,” organizers said.

This program is provided in partnership with the Culver City Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services.