High rent can lead to homelessness


In reference to Culver City News article dated June 8, 2017, by Steve Montgomery whereby he reported that homelessness has jumped to a staggering 23% throughout L A county and Culver City.

Also mentioned was the pledge by our Second District Supervisor, Mark Ridley-Thomas to remedy the homelessness situation.

What wasn’t mentioned in his (and other office holders’s pledges in other papers that report on the homelessness problem) was that the CORE of the problem stems from Landlords and Homeowners who charge rent by market rates and raise their rent annually to where tenants are eventually priced out of the market.

Also cities that do not have rent control – like Culver City – place undue burden on renters, many families (the middle class) who then find it hard financially to make ends meet, and so on…

If we are really serious about solving the homelessness problem, the city governments, city councils and other bodies who affect city policy, need to address landlord and homeowners’ greediness and pass legislation for rent control and band or limit rent increases, et=al.

But, no such remedy will ever be considered because the bulk of city government power is held among landlords, homeowners and business people and with the “Trump-Republican mindset” that prevails, helping the less fortunate is a NON-ISSUE after all, isn’t it?


Mr. Art Fonseca