Helpful Honday Guys back in Culver City

Photo Courtesy of Destin Judy REWARD—On Black Friday “Free Gas Tanker Trucks” will surprise drivers in Culver City and Encino from 8 to 11 a.m.
Photo Courtesy of Destin Judy HELPFUL—The Helpful teams visit an average of 100 locations each week -from the Inland Empire and Riverside County to Los Angeles and Orange Counties– to do small and large acts of kindness.

During the Thanksgiving Weekend the Helpful Honda Guys will surprise early holiday shoppers with ‘helpful shopping fuel’ in Culver City. On Black Friday “Free Gas Tanker Trucks” will surprise drivers in Culver City and Encino from 8 to 11 a.m. As California’s average gas prices continue to race toward $3 a gallon, the SoCal Honda Dealers will be sending out their festive “Free Gas Tanker Trucks” to surprise holiday travelers with free gas as they hit the road in record numbers.

The Helpful Tanker Trucks will be traveling to various cities starting Thanksgiving week through Christmas to fill up thirsty Hondas and other lucky gas tanks, giving residents another reason to be thankful.

On turkey Thursday, the helpful guys will also be scattered across Los Angeles County, O.C. and the Inland Empire to help wake up sleepy shoppers from their food comas with complimentary coffee and thousands of reusable mugs as an early holiday gift from the SoCal Honda Dealers.

Here are some helpful clues on where the Guys in Blue will be Spreading Random Acts of Helpfulness this Tuesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-28. On Wednesday the “Free Gas Tanker Trucks” hit SJC/Laguna Woods from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. On Turkey Thursday coffee and mugs at busy shopping locations include Target, Best Buy and Toys R’ Us around L.A., Burbank, Costa Mesa, Riverside and more from 3:30 to10 p.m.

Location clues will be shared on Twitter @HelpfulHonda and residents can learn more about the Guys in Blue and how they are being helpful to local communities and people at www.facebook. com/SoCalHondaDealers.

The Helpful teams visit an average of 100 locations each week-from the Inland Empire and Riverside County to Los Angeles and Orange Counties– to do small and large acts of kindness. They can be seen visiting grocery stores and shopping centers to opening doors and load packages for residents. They will also donating to many local food banks, toy drives and hosting holiday events for the less fortunate this holiday season.