Help your heart by eating seafood twice a week

SEAFOOD DIET—It’s no fish story: Seafood is one of the leanest sources of protein and a superfood packed with nutrients essential for heart health.

(NAPS)—Here’s food for thought: Eating seafood can be good for your health, especially your heart. In fact, seafood is one of the leanest sources of protein and packed with omega-3s, vitamins and minerals, which helps prevent many of the chronic diseases affecting Americans today.

The USDA Dietary Guidelines recommend eating at least two servings of seafood a week, which can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by at least 36 percent. Unfortunately, only 10 percent of Americans follow this recommendation. Recently, the Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) launched a public health education campaign to educate Americans about the health benefits of seafood and conduct seafood-focused cooking demonstrations, health screenings and other events in cities across the country.

“I am proud to be a part of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership to help inspire healthy habits like eating seafood,” said Detlef Schrempf, former NBA basketball star and member of SNP’s board. “Say yes to seafood, for your health.”

It is easy to find and try seafood recipes

In our busy lives, it can be difficult to figure out how to prepare simple healthy meals that everyone will love. Seafood is easier to find and prepare than you might think. There are many seafood options that can be prepared in 15 minutes or less, and more restaurants serve seafood as part of a growing effort to provide healthier menu options.

If you are not sure where you can find seafood in your community, ask your local grocer what seafood is in season and remember that frozen or canned seafood is just as healthy as fresh, and is a tasty, cost-effective alternative.

Dining out can take the pressure off how to prepare your favorite seafood dish and is a good way to figure out what you might like. Whether it is a quick meal or a sit-down restaurant, there are more and more healthy seafood options available these days. Remember to go for something broiled, grilled, seared, steamed or sautéed instead of fried or battered, and be sure to go light on the butter to get the maximum health benefits.

Try this easy recipe below, and for other simple and cost-effective recipes, visit ­

Italian Tuna Salad

(Prep time: 15 minutes; serves 4)

   2 (5-oz.) cans tuna packed in olive oil

  5-oz. bag mixed salad greens

   1 can green beans, low sodium

   1 potato, cubed, boiled and cooled

   2 oz. black olives, pitted and sliced

   1 cucumber, chopped

   2 oz. cherry tomatoes

   1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar

   3 pinches oregano, dried

   3 Tbsp. olive oil

      Salt and pepper to taste

Make sure potatoes are pre-cooked by boiling for 15 minutes. Drain oil from tuna into a bowl. Set tuna aside. Add to the oil from the tuna can olive oil, vinegar, oregano, salt and pepper. Mix dressing well. Add raw vegetables and dressing. Top tuna onto salad.

To learn more about seafood

For other healthful information and recipes, and to take the Healthy Heart Pledge, visit You can also go to their Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram accounts for recipes and inspiration.