Halloween this year could be deadly for kids


As parents and grandparents we want and need to do everything possible to keep our family safe.  Halloween is and always has been my favorite holiday.  BUT this year due to the pandemic things are different and we have to act accordingly.  Sadly, that means not going out trick or treating this year,  

Try making a fun alternative activity for your children.  Have your costumed children have a scavenger hunt with clues to find candy.  Make a piñata and break it open. Hide candy (like an Easter egg hunt).  Carve a pumpkin, decorate your house, make a Halloween face mask and wear it in October.  Use your and your children’s imagination!

As grandparents who recently lost a strong, vibrant 13 year old grandchild, I say, PLEASE, PLEASE. PLEASE MAKE SAFE DECISIONS.  Our children are not immune to this deadly virus.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: After significant consideration,  the Culver City News has decided to withhold the author of this letter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this decision, contact Christian at associateeditor@culvercitynews.org.