Grain Cafe serves great crepes

(Photo by Brett Callwood)

Fans of classic British sci-fi show Dr. Who will remember that the Tardis is a time machine that looks like a regular sized telephone box from the outside, but on the inside it’s a huge room. The Grain Cafe has a similar, if slightly less dramatic, effect. Located in a strip mall next to an aquarium store, it looks like it might be cramped from the outside but it’s deceptively spacious.

When you do enter, the next thing that hits you is the art. The colored tiling is vibrant and immaculate, and the images decorating the walls look Aztec. It all adds to the overall vibe, of joyous, colorful fun.

That feeling is only enhanced when you approach the counter. The food at this vegan cafe, both on the menu and the sweet treats under glass, all seems so fresh and colorful, it could be art too.

“The Grain Cafe has deeply rooted traditions with unique spices & flavors originating from the small heartfelt region of Oaxaca, Mexico,” they say online. “Whose ancestry taught them how to be farmers and cultivators of land, growing what they could organically and naturally. Gardens in the yards of the village people produced naturally grown grains, vegetables and spices, which brewed mouthwatering kitchen aromas. With everything grown naturally and organic in a strong community where everyone is family, the knowledge of cooking and family recipes were shared.”

As we were there in the morning, we opted for The Grain Crepe, “Strawberry, mango, blackberry spread, spelt berries and whipped cream.”

Spelt berries are actually an ancient grain that, according to Wikipedia, “are high in protein and fiber, and have a nutty flavor.” They certainly enhance this super-sweet and fruity crepe. The fruit is fresh and magnificent, and the combination of strawberry, mango and blackberry spread is just sumptuous. 

The crepe is light but full of flavor, and it ties everything together perfectly. The whipped cream is the finishing touch, resulting in a crepe that has a wonderful balance of everything.

“By providing natural, organic foods without animal based products, no preservatives, or fillers ever, our goal is to share our unique flavors and spices with you that have been cultivated throughout decades by family traditions,” they say.

We can confirm that they’re doing a top job.

The Grain Cafe is located at 10032 Venice Blvd., Culver City 90232. Call 310-876-0180 or visit