Goodwill to all in 2012: the year of flow, flexibility and adaptation


2012 is an eventful year when three major cycles of development for humanity’s evolution cease. The ways we think and believe will no longer be viable, because a new evolutionary force is entering our world. It is a force for good, for life more abundant.

We will experience major shifts of awareness (consciousness) due to the prominence of mutable signs (Gemini, Sag, Virgo, Pisces) influencing humanity. These build the personality within humanity to be strong and courageous, able to withstand modification and alterations. Humanity will deeply assess prevailing values, ideas we have been taught, (many of which we find are incorrect) and beliefs around those ideas. Astrologically, humanity will assess life itself (what is it?) and our part in it (who are we?) when the planets, which influence all aspects in our lives, enter into what is called a retrograde (moving backward) motion.

In January, the structures we know and believe in will begin to disappear more rapidly (Saturn, structure and Neptune, disappearance). This has been occurring in our outer (and inner, our ability to remember is lessening) worlds. Saturn is structure; Neptune dissolves, making room for newer, better, more spiritually refined structures.

Morning stars Mars and Saturn, planets of tests and discipline, strengthen our goodness, provide us with new activity and ask that we eliminate all that obstructs our Goodwill.

At the end of January, the planets will begin to move into retrograde motion. All of humanity begins a life review, a looking within, assessing past plans and goals for the purpose of creating a right and appropriate future. Humanity worldwide enters into a time of preparation. The three astrologer kings arrive soon with their prophecy for the year and to see the holy child. Goodwill to all in this coming year.

ARIES: Your life direction will come into focus, along with who you want to be in the coming year. These are very important considerations. Sometimes, we don’t really know what life has in store for us; it’s a surprise, directed by the need to serve. Sometimes, we can’t visualize the future because it’s not formed yet. What are you striving toward? What is most important for you? What environments would reflect you?

TAURUS: Remembering all previous intimate relationships may occur during the next three weeks. It’s good to assess what was gained, what worked, what didn’t and how your belief systems (patterns learned when you were small) affected the outcomes. Something special is or will be occurring on inner levels. Perhaps it’s that you understand how love works. And you begin to love more.

GEMINI: Other people’s money and resources, and resources that you hold in common with another will be on your mind in order that your daily life has more order, continuity and ease. Consider carefully what your needs are for the future that includes an entire community of people. Many will need to learn equanimity, a service that you will teach other with your tolerance, the foundation of the sharing economy. You have much power. It emerges creatively.

CANCER: What is the status of your car? Does it need a tune-up and/or repairs? Do you need a new car? What is the status of your computer and phone systems? Do they need upgrading? Are there people you must contact, tasks to tend, bills and correspondences waiting for your attention? Whatever must be done, accomplish it slowly, with care and attention and give yourself more time than usual. Have intentions to complete all past work.

LEO: Daily work and agendas, and interactions with co-workers will be the focus. Something from the past shows up and through cooperation and intentions for right relations, you create a state of cooperation that surpasses all expectations. Home life on a daily basis feels changed. A previous restrictive attitude of someone continues to be difficult. Eventually, this must be faced lest something is lost forever. Schedules shift constantly. You adapt.

VIRGO: Previous financial situations not able to be considered until now have your attention. With all monetary actions, check and recheck the amounts, for there could be mistakes. It will be important to re-evaluate budgetary spending. I think you have many valuable items that could be sold so you have more capital to work with and to purchase needed supplies. You will create that environment you’re impelled to build.

LIBRA: Unusual fears may appear in your emotional body. Inform them they are not welcome. Others can assist you if you share with them your difficulties. Fear can become addictive, looping over and over in the lower mind, bringing us to our knees metaphorically. If there is lamentation and grief, allow them. But fear is simply based on non-information. What are you seeking to know?

SCORPIO: You ponder upon how others perceive you. Often, you don’t care. Realize that you have leadership abilities. In the next year, your thoughts will make you aware of a new self-identity emerging. Do not allow criticism to undermine your (or anyone’s) goodness. There may be a challenge between your true love of self and your critical judgmental self. Someone may activate this. Know that your childhood experiences were chosen by you for learning.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s good to know that there’s a difference between what makes you happy and what makes others happy; they are not the same. It’s a revolutionary shift within ourselves when we ask with interest what makes another person happy, soothed, comforted and cared for. When we understand this, we might sacrifice our own comfort. Should we do so, joy replaces discomfort and happiness is ours.

CAPRICORN: Several times in our lives, we have spiritual experiences that lead us to reassess life’s purpose and our individual purpose within life itself. We refine and re-define, we ask for and seek justice, often blinded, often hidden unless we look beneath the surface of accepted reality. Ethics become important. What are your ethics? What actually are ethics? Remember at all times to radiate goodwill.

AQUARIUS: The following issues will be on your mind through the next months: Your mother and you as mother (or your nurturing capabilities); your relationship with children, especially daughters, and concern about your home – where and how you live, your family life and the quality of nurturing given and received. Know that conflict is a call for the next level of harmony to appear. Therefore, simply work through the conflict. What you think you want may not be available. Something greater appears.

PISCES: Reassessing friendships and social interactions, future goals, hopes, wishes and aspirations are your currents of thought in the coming year. Re-evaluating these keeps us conscious, free and aware. Whenever we feel tension and longing, a new need is appearing. When desires are spiritualized, they become aspirations; they direct us toward our future. What are your aspirations? Draw them daily.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school in Santa Cruz, Calif.



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