Give yourself some love

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” -John Wooden



The best part about my job with the school district is helping students uncover the value of who they are and what they do. When a student is struggling in school, it is easy for them to internalize a lack of self-worth. While these insecure feelings may be masked by indifference or excessive pride, underneath these students have lost touch with their amazing value as people. While in truth this value is never diminished by outside circumstances, sometimes it is covered up and temporarily loses its shine.

While all of us have things we enjoy and have a natural talent for, not all of us recognize and value what we do.  Listening to successful artists, musicians and entrepreneurs of all varieties, one thing tends to be consistent. Somehow, each one found a way to believe in the value of what they were doing. This important trait is often underestimated when attempting to understand why some people are more successful than others.  Thankfully, there is something we can do about it which will greatly enhance the quality of our life experiences.

My wife makes amazing art installations. Walking into her studio, I feel as though I have entered a magical world. The beauty of her art and the skill required to construct the pieces she makes is obvious to anyone who sees her work. The thing is, it is not always so obvious to my wife. That is why it is good to have people around us who can nudge us in a positive direction when we get blinded by our own limiting beliefs. Our job is take the nudge and choose to move in the direction of the positive flow.

As educators, we know that the key to effective education is recognizing the great potential that resides within each of our students. When children are held to the standard of bringing out their best, magic happens. Sometimes they, like us, need to be reminded that greatness lives within them. We do this by holding to the principle that greatness resides within everyone. This life is not so much a lottery, based on random twists of fate, as it is a game of taking what we have and using it to create the amazing lives we desire.  When we do, we inspire the people around us and add beauty to the world.

It is time to face the fact that you are amazing. If you want the world to improve, it begins by valuing yourself and the gifts you bring. When you do this, you encourage the people around you to do the same. There are principles that we can depend on in life.  The inherent greatness that resides within each of us is one of them. So give yourself some love by shining light on the good you are doing.  Consider what would happen if you did this more often. Before you know it, you will become a beacon of light, inspiring others to live their greatness.


Edward Biagiotti is the inclusion specialist for Culver City Unified School District.  For questions, comments, and ideas for future columns, send an email to: