Give yourself a pat on the back

A BRIGHT DAY—Local barista Cristian Barbiero's positive attitude brightens the day of everyone he serves. Photo by Ed Biagiotti

“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” – Mark Twain


The end of the school year has come and it’s a great time to pause and appreciate all that has been accomplished. Lessons have been taught and learned. Victories have been gained, and defeats endured. All are important. It is the act of living that makes us amazing, regardless of how that appears to others. The key is to acknowledge ourselves and let that joy come pouring in.

Sometimes the hardest efforts to applaud are our own. Each one of us has things that we do throughout the day that are worthy of praise. If we are too reliant on the praise of others, or think we do not deserve any recognition, then we miss out on an opportunity to give ourselves the credit we deserve.

A deep feeling of satisfaction is derived from knowing that we are valuable. This feeling fills our tanks so that we can continue to shine in all that we do.

Students who think their efforts are unworthy of praise get burned out and resentful. This type of approach to life leads to undue stress and an eventual decrease in performance.

It is a pleasure to encourage these young people to take time to acknowledge themselves, and see their own lives through a loving and appreciative lens. When they do begin appreciating themselves, they also find it easier to recognize and appreciate the good in those around them. Everyone wins.

I have worked with students who thought they were bad people because of their struggles in school. Some of these same students have learning disabilities, others deal with homelessness or violence in their homes.

Taking the time to help these young people reframe their own success is empowering. They become their own best friend, instead of another critic. I have seen this shift in perspective lead to improved grades, expanded friendships, and healing within family relationships. Holding ourselves in a loving light is so easily overlooked, and yet it is the cornerstone of a happy and productive life.

If you think it is selfish to acknowledge yourself in a positive way, think again. The benefits of filling your own tank with good feeling thoughts are many. You will instantly have a positive impact on everyone around you. When you are inspired, your work output increases and your personal connections are strengthened.  Everything you touch is blessed when you feel good inside. You might call this a healthy form of selfishness. The kind that we all need.

Take some time to celebrate your victories, large or small, throughout the day. If you have had challenges, then honor yourself for making it this far. There may be things that you are long overdue to acknowledge.

Whether it is parenting, teaching, learning to surf, or forgiving someone who cut you off on the freeway, give yourself a pat on the back. That love you give yourself will multiply as you naturally pass it on to others.


Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District.  He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to or send an email to: