Gemini – directing the wind


Thursday and Friday are the last days of Taurus – the light that transforms and uplifts. Saturday morning Sun enters Gemini – the light of interplay, expressing duality (personality level) and later, synthesis (soul level).

Each month a different light (and different task) plays upon Earth. The New Group of World Servers, studying the ancient wisdom teachings, using esoteric astrology, understands the different lights and tasks to be accomplished. While the task of Taurus is to enlighten and illuminate the mind (Buddha’s work), Gemini’s work is, by displaying duality, to bring forth the noble wisdom of the Buddha and the love anchored on Earth 2,000 years ago by the great world teacher. Gemini has a great work to do.

Each month, as we struggle to live within the different lights and tasks falling to Earth, we each become the sign the Sun is receiving and distributing. Soon we will all become Geminis, who are often seen as butterflies, drifting flower-to-flower in meadows of color. Never alighting anywhere for long, they quickly (Mercury) gather honey (information) from here and there. Eventually, they fly away to other fields, experiences and adventures (the mind of Gemini).

Gemini is about gathering and distributing information. Gemini is a light beam, revealing oppositions, personifying the duality basic within manifestation (our world), reflecting the relationship between spirit and form. Gemini is the conscious light of relationship. Gemini relates, if even for a moment. Gemini, with Mercury, builds the Antakarana, the Rainbow Bridge. At first, they polarize (their personality work to do). Then they synthesize (their soul work). At first, they’re tossed by the wind (air, Mercury), then they circulate the wind. Finally, Gemini directs the wind. The Rainbow Bridge is built.

ARIES: The month ahead sees you as a hard worker, working towards and within your values. If you don’t actually know your values, observe yourself – actions, focus and communication. You are slower than usual and care for what you love (and value) with extra care. You see your ambition, the acquiring of possessions, your impatience or impulsiveness. Your senses are more alive. You eat more. You’ve become a lovely Taurus.

TAURUS: Aries is stealing your thunder – your Vulcan volcanic ability to make gold out of iron. You have so many abilities; you can share a few, yes? Notice your reactions to events and people. You’re more energetic, active, forceful and even, at times, aggressive (shocking!). For a moment or two, it’s fine for you to be overly assertive. Rarely are you this way. However, as Aries has become Taurus, you’ve become a very interesting Aries. It’s the planet Mars playing havoc.

GEMINI: You’ve become more of a Pisces. Meaning you are more sensitive, more reluctant to push the river – a sense that confidence has taken a different path. Your working more in secret can be blamed for things you didn’t do. There are stronger instincts and intuition that the past is somehow merging with the present, and everything becomes more private. Dreams (day and night) appear. Imagination is vitally creative. Music (more of it), please.

CANCER: It’s most important to think about cooperation and how you impact a group. With all your emerging thoughts and ideas, you may be inclined to talk louder over others, attempt to dominate everyone and everything. It’s best to work with team effort toward a humanitarian goal. It’s also important to create daily agendas, schedules, plans and goals. They will be your context and protection.

LEO: You are the leader; the one everyone looks to, hopes to be, learns from and emulates (be grateful.) Your accomplishments are recognized. This pleases you. I have written before that for a Leo to evolve, others must see, recognize and praise their efforts, gifts and abilities. Praise is how (especially) Leos can more fully identify themselves as creative, saying, “I am because I create (and you see it).” All of this occurs.

VIRGO: Boldness overtakes you; a hunger for expansion, adventure and a restlessness that won’t accept no for an answer. Your mind and heart need expansion and actually new experiences. All the energy you’re feeling will propel you into travel, new studies, new interests, new books along with overt opinions leading to disagreements and arguments. Stay away from anything illegal. Read and run a lot.

LIBRA: Be careful with projecting anger and suppressed passion (from long ago to present) toward others, especially ones close to your heart. You may be unaware of this. The issues are joint money and resources, conflicts and crises concerning different values. You can no longer suffer differences and must move out (or act) on your own. This is both subtle and overt. Be careful of consequences. Begin with knowing your true needs. Then love them more.

SCORPIO: Everything may become challenging, especially interactions with professionals or intimates. Should you encounter conflict, it’s a reflection of your internal conflicts. This is how and why conflicts occur. Conflict contains information. If you struggle long enough, a new level of harmony emerges. Be as dynamic and lively as possible. Everything will be conflictual, then it resolves, then there’s rapprochement. Help someone in the meantime.

SAGITTARIUS: Interesting new (more) energy is available, affecting daily routines, work schedules and workloads. When not working focus on health – exercise, diet, walking, running, yoga, etc. You must have a daily regime of physical activity or depression, anger, frustration, restlessness, mental and emotional distortions result. It may be difficult working with others. Harmony slips out of your work world. Be aware of this. Don’t dispute anything. Recite silent ohms. Laughter is meditation.

CAPRICORN: Here are some questions. Do you have lots of energy with an equal non-desire for self-discipline? Are you seeking expressions (new ones) of creativity with children and family? Tend to loved ones, especially your partner (first). The result will be more play, pleasure and sleep. You’re not allowed to gamble. Do you need a new couch? Is your home comfortable? Or does it need more comfort? You need comfort, don’t you?

AQUARIUS: Note how you feel more instinctive, protective and possibly the need for security. Are events occurring concerning family, home, homemaking and repairs? Are you thinking about family matters? Are you far away? Moodiness and restlessness occur, along with possible family conflicts. If previous issues emerge, it’s time to talk with someone about them. Perhaps you’re asking, “Where is my home?” Where is it?

PISCES: Work slowly on mental tasks daily. This creates more efficiency. Consider professional needs. It’s soon time to tell everyone about your ideas, plans, projections, wants and needs. Communications may become tense and heated with disagreements. Allow this to occur. Step back and observe impatience and/or impulsiveness. This is Mars at work, pushing things forward. Tend to hands and feet with care. Sew and paint. Use your mind to make order. Neptune has entered Pisces.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school in the Ancient Mysteries tradition


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