From water to fire – Mercury retro and Leo new moon


We’ve left the waters of Cancer and find ourselves in the heated sign of kings and queens, of lions, the Sphinx, Sirius and the giant star, Regulus, at the heart of Leo. Leo is the heart of matter from which our life force emanates. Knowing this about Leo, we begin to understand the depth, breadth and dramatic life force of Leo (Sun, rising, Moon, Mars).

Leo is fixed, steady pulsating fire. Leo, on the personality-building level, creates dictators not in touch with love or divine will, commanding others from their undeveloped self. Let us see them as in training. These are their words, “I rule as a right of my presence in any situation. Let other forms exist. I rule because I am!”

When directed by the soul (consciousness the Sun (the father) streams into the heart, creating divine inspiration, uniting will with love, Leos are leaders. Great leaders rule with will and love.

Tuesday, Mercury retrogrades, 1 degree Virgo. Saturday (11:40 a.m. PST) is new moon, 7 degrees Leo. During new moon festivals, Esotericists “strengthen the hands of the New Group of World Servers.” As we are all world servers, let us stand together around the world, strengthening the hands, minds and hearts of each other and our government leaders, struggling within duality, seeking synthesis (some of them).

ARIES: All this week, the questions presented to you are: “What engages your attention? What do you find creative about yourself? What resources would allow your creativity to expand? What do you think about you with children and their care and well-being? And how do you rest and relax, party and have fun?” Your answers are your identity. Some Aries will attract a new love affair.

TAURUS: Something about the events or people in your life bring forth thoughts of family lineage, relatives and ancestors. This information creates a foundation for your future life, with or without family. New ideas occur to you, which, formerly rejected, will take root and change your perceptions (about family). Nurturance is a need now, either from you or toward you. Both are best. You go first.

GEMINI: An interesting Gemini situation this week. As the new moon is in your third house (Gemini house, solar chart), your ruler, Mercury is in your fourth house (home, family, early life, mother). The early training (and experiences) we received as children form who/what we are today. It’s important to see these early experiences as gifts, gradually allowing you to become conscious, find your way, create your own brilliant life. Seeing life in this light liberates your heart and mind. Turn toward this now, speak from this position.

CANCER: What’s important in your life these days and what’s not really important? There’s need for determining the difference between the two. It’s important to have practical knowledge so that difficulties don’t appear in terms of family communication. Messages may become conflicted and misunderstood. Stay within this mantram: “Let reality govern my every thought. And truth be the master of my life.”

LEO: Happy Birthday, now and forever. What do you want/need for your birthday? Do you need a cupcake, an ice cream bar, a trip somewhere unusual, a new identity, a new past, a talk about money and investments, a teacher, a group to interact with, a new profession, expansion of your chosen profession, a wound to be healed, a brilliant relationship? Angels are standing by, waiting for your answers so they can spring into action.

VIRGO: This week, tend to important actions – communication, bills, plans, agendas, purchases – before Mercury retrogrades Tuesday in your sign. Mercury then goes into a tailspin. Thoughts are so internalized we can’t reach out. Solitude may play a great part in this week for you. Stay behind the scenes. Allow yourself to rest and sleep in the next three weeks so dreams have a chance to teach you through symbols what the coming months will be like. Retreat to a garden. Sleep there.

LIBRA: I’ve been wondering what the north node and Pluto in your fourth house of home and family environment have brought to you. I’ve wondered how these two important symbols have influenced your daily life and what choices you’ve had to make. The north node is our path into the future based upon past abilities. Pluto brings forth transformation that we can’t push aside. And so I ask where are you, where have you gone, how and where is your home? We’re looking for you.

SCORPIO: Some things new should be coming forth in your professional life, career, or in how others see you – good things. In the meantime, as you await this new reality, step forward into the public and act as an ambassador of goodwill. In a community monastery, Figueira, in Brazil, people are trained to be harmonizers. Think about becoming one (a harmonizer). It’s done silently within intention. Consider the outcome.

SAGITTARIUS: Don’t let any mixed messages created by the stars throw you overboard into the waters of confusion. Yes, two areas of life, home/profession, will be opposed. Yes, there’s no end to the unexpectedness occurring. Yes, you feel lost and will seek solace from friends, but only a very few whom you trust. Things cross-cultural, religious, higher education, long journeys should help. (Your) life’s eclectic. You need the romantic.

CAPRICORN: Are you looking at what others have and think perhaps you want that? Are you thinking you don’t have? Let’s think about the famine babies in Somalia instead. When we begin to feel lack, it’s good to tithe to those in need. Then, our life has perspective once again. Are you thinking of traveling but are you of two minds? A great creative surge is enveloping you. There’s a refraining of movement (Neptune in the third) and a wound hovering somewhere. Reconsider everything.

AQUARIUS: This new moon is important for you. It’s the Leo new moon. You are Aquarius, Leo’s opposite sign. Therefore, an integration of energies/signs will be attempted, energetically. Between your individual self and the group called humanity. For you to move forward, it’s important to survey and catalogue your talents and gifts, gather them into a bundle and offer them to the world with conscious intention. Can you visualize this?

PISCES: Your daily life is in question. What will you do? There are choices. Will you be here or there or yet in another direction altogether. The Neptune in Pisces creates a state of confusion leading to a sense of non-direction. You need a witching wand, a divining rod, a branch of the hemlock or hazel or willow tree to find the ley-lines, the currents of your future. You need a foundation now so your future can come forth. Have courage.


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