Friends of Sandy Segal Center to present talk on teen marijuana use



By Sandy Schwartz

The Friends of the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Middle School Multipurpose Room.

The featured speaker is Dr. Sarah Carpenter, Adolescent Medicine Specialist, who will provide information about the teen use of marijuana.  She will talk about what is legal and what is not with teens.

Dr. Carpenter will also discuss research on teens and children from Colorado since marijuana has been legalized there. The effects of cannabis use on the growing brain and what we can do to prevent “Cannabis Use Disorder” will be also be addressed.

Carpenter is part of the medical staff at the Health Center and has received many awards for her service to young people.

After the program, Anne Allaire, Culver City School Board President, will conduct the installation of this year’s Board Members. Current president Dr. Carpenter will once again lead the Board.

A short walk over to the Health Center will follow the presentations, with a tour of the facility.

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. The program and installation are scheduled from 7 to 8 p.m., followed by a very short Friends Board Meeting. Refreshments will be served.

The Friends group serves as the fundraising arm of the Health Center which is located on the Middle and High School campus. Free physical and mental health services, as well as health education, are provided to children living in Culver City or attending Culver City schools. The nonprofit Center is supported through donations.

For more information about this event, call Sarah at 310-837-3734, or email her at  To find out more about the Health Center go to the website