Fox in the house


Former President of MexicoVicente Fox will hold a private event charity fundraiser at Mexican Restaurant Bubba Diego’s Cantina and partner Crossroads BBQ on Wednesday, July 27 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The event hopes to attract prominent members of the Mexican-American community and those who wish to meet the former president. Fox will be raising funds for his charity, the Vicente Fox Center of Studies, Library and Museum. The center is comparable to a presidential library where records, gifts and personal documents from his six-year presidential term are opened to the public.

To request a limited press pass or to ask for further information, email To contact management, call Chris McDonald or Bob Glazier at Bubba Diego’s at (424)-832-7301.

Bubba Diego’s and Crossroads BBQ will donate 10 % of all proceeds to Fox’s charity.

The dual concept restaurant is located at 2927 S. Sepulveda blvd. West Los Angeles.