For (old) Men Only


Just between us guys, let’s all finally admit that many women, in my opinion, are far superior to us when it comes to our grooming, social skills and most importantly how to dress.

There are certain garments and looks that numerous golden oldies mistakenly believe make them look younger, cooler or hipper; however, the result is quite the opposite                                                                              For starters if you’re follically challenged or bald, never under any circumstance use the comb-over.

                                                                                                              This next one really puzzles me. Why on earth would anyone wear an “Old Guys Rule” T-shirt? What does that even mean?

        I don’t want to appear overly critical or unreasonable here. All I’m asking is that you not wear a shirt two sizes too small if you look as if you are about to give birth to twins.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gentlemen, I beg you, don’t attempt to converse with others as if you are a 25-year-old high school dropout. It comes across as highly juvenile and undeniably embarrassing to all within earshot.

Personally, I rigidly adhere to a strict rule; never utter the word awesome, ever. It’s the laziest, most irritatingly overused word in the history of civilization. Maybe that’s a tad overstated.

                                                         All I’m trying to say here guys, is as you age, attempt to do it with a bit of class and grace.