Fiesta “verde” via valet


            The Green Committee of Fiesta La Ballona will again have a booth this year, with live presentations and information about sustainable living. The Fiesta will again provide a bike valet service for anyone biking to the park. Fiesta sponsor Palms Cycle Shop, in association with the Culver City Bicycle Coalition, will host the bike valet service on Aug. 27 and 28.

            The bike valet will be located on the grass just south of the Culver City Plunge, at Overland and Barman avenues. Simply bring your bike to the bike valet area and a volunteer will park it and give you a claim ticket. You must submit your claim ticket to retrieve your bicycle at the end of the day. This is a free service to encourage Fiesta visitors to leave their cars at home.

            The bike valet will be staffed by volunteers all day to insure that bikes are safe and secure. The service will be available from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. All bikes must be retrieved by 6 p.m. If you are planning to stay later, bring a bicycle lock, as bike racks will be available.

            Fiesta La Ballona has assisted the city of Culver City in acquiring new recycling and composting bins for paper, plastic and food waste, and will be used extensively during the event. All food vendors have been encouraged to use paper and/or other recyclable products in lieu of non-recyclable Styrofoam.

            Fiesta La Ballona will be held Aug. 26-28 at Vets Park. For more information, log on to For more information about Palms Cycle, go to and for more information about Culver City Bike Coalition, go to