Fiesta La Ballona around corner

Fiesta La Ballona around corner

At Monday’s City Council Meeting, the committee for the annual Fiesta La Ballona festival received an official proclamation from Mayor Jeffery Cooper, in honor of Fiesta La Ballona 2017.

With committee member Bob Wayne playing an adapted version of The Knack’s “My Sharona” on the kazoo to fit the words “Fiesta La Ballona” during the proceedings, and fellow member Marcus Tiggs wearing a sombrero, Mayor Cooper read the proclamation, stating that the event is, “an annual celebration to inspire and promote tolerance, understanding, goodwill and better relations amongst all people, and encourage all individuals to participate in living in harmony with people from multicultural origins.”

Cooper continued, “Fiesta La Ballona will provide a wide range of memorable experiences for residents of all ages, including live music, a wide variety of ethnic foods, vendor booths, and shows, and whereas the Culver City’s parks, recreation and community services department, in partnership with the members of the Fiesta La Ballona and other city departments, meets throughout the year in preparation for this important civic event. Now therefore be it resolved that the city council and city of Culver City hereby proclaims Friday, Aug. 25, Saturday, Aug. 26, and Sunday morning, Aug. 27, as Fiesta La Ballona 2017.”

The Mayor encouraged all citizens, their families, and their friends, to participate and share in the many planned and unplanned experiences that will happen during that week. Tiggs offered “thanks to the many people involved” in organizing an event of this magnitude.

“People would thing that an event like this happens on its own – it doesn’t,” Tiggs said. “The planning goes on for a year. Without staff, without the members of our committee, it would really be extremely difficult. The committee members this year – Jeanne Min is the vice chair, Ronnie Jayne deals with entertainment, Bob Wayne is entertainment, Carrie Karney does marketing, Tashon McKeithan who is our newest member, she does marketing with an emphasis on social media.”

Tiggs also thanked the many sponsors, and said that Fiesta La Ballon has received the largest amount of sponsors and support in its history this year.

Fiesta La Ballona takes place on Aug. 25-27 at Veterans Park. Go to fiestalaballona for more information.