Festival of Humanity & World Invocation Day


The Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill & World Invocation Day occurs Wednesday at 1:14 p.m. (PST) at 24 degrees Gemini. This year’s full moon is accompanied by a total lunar eclipse, signifying that something in form disappears. The Gemini festival is the time in which the Christ, Hierarchy and New Group of World Servers, distribute to humanity the Shamballa force (Wesak blessing from our God, Sanat Kumara) – the will-to-good, which becomes goodwill when humanity receives and absorbs it. The blessing, released by the Buddha, has been held in trust and safeguarded by the Christ for the entire month, since the last full moon.

Gemini (which gathers and disperses energies) is the third full moon festival in the spring. At each of the festivals (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) great forces – that of Restoration (Aries), Enlightenment (Taurus) and Reconstruction (Gemini) – are released to the Earth and humanity for the purpose of accelerating evolution. As we call upon (invoke) the Forces of Reconstruction, they sweep through the world, producing in humanity (interiorly seeking God’s will) a dedication and aspiration to express right human relations. During the Gemini Festival, the spiritual and divine nature of humanity is invoked, acknowledged and recognized. Christ, standing within Shamballa and representing humanity and as leader of his people and “the eldest in a great family of brothers” (Romans 8:29) reads the last sermon of the Buddha.

The Gemini festival invokes world fellowship, human and spiritual unity, and represents the work of both Buddha and Christ (brothers). The three spring festivals and the two great teachers, through united invocation and rhythm, together stabilize humanity and the kingdoms for the coming year.

Since 1952, humanity worldwide has celebrated World Invocation Day – a global day of prayer and meditation – when people of different spiritual paths invoke together the energies of light, love and spiritual purpose, using the Great Invocation. The NGWS invites everyone to join in by reciting the Great Invocation. Ohm (more on the Gemini festival at nightlightnews.com and Risa’s Esoteric Astrology FB).

ARIES: Notice your many and varied goals this year; climb the ladder to reach those goals. Notice also that a new authority, one finer tuned, responsible and aware of the importance to serve others, has appeared within your life. These are great accomplishments founded on great challenges. They are the qualities of the soul. You have done well. Keep climbing.

TAURUS: Your true self is a leader and teacher whom everyone seeks in these times of unpredictable change and relationship instabilities. Is a health crisis deterring you from daily work? Do you barely have time for other pursuits? Continue research and contact with others also concerned for humanity’s future. Expand your garden. Where’s the green house? Humanity’s coming.

GEMINI: Illuminate the praise and recognition that everyone in your life needs by articulating these ceaselessly. You are blessed with creative gifts manifested as outer abilities. A new identity is taking shape. It’s a deeper soul identity. One gift of the soul is recognizing the spiritual purpose behind all relationships. Can you see these? Or are you caught in a difficult duality of purpose? It’s a Gemini test.

CANCER: You may feel that your work at times takes you away from family. And then, in turn, family feels like it takes you away from your (spiritual) work. Your task and lesson are to balance the two – the more difficult, the greater the initiation. Do you have visions and dreams for a different future? We are to envision and (day)dream more. In between health crises and responsibilities, glimmers of dreams may occur. Watch for them.

LEO: Your work life may take on dimensions that could overwhelm – so much to do, so many people model for, so many thoughts in your mind, yet many hidden behind a veil. You feel great emotions trying to express yourself, finding communication difficult creating a touch of sadness. Someone needs communication. Relationships could feel brilliant yet hidden, like art objects yet to be found. Someone thinks of you daily.

VIRGO: A profound creativity is building. Some Virgos will become pregnant with new physical life. Some will gestate a new level of artistry and creativity. You’re being impressed from all levels, high and low, to bring beauty forth. Recognize the life force within all kingdoms by expressing clear unconditional love. Study the Bach flower remedies.

LIBRA: As thoughts from the past reappear, your response to them determines your present/future. If there are sad thoughts, take Ignatia Amara (homeopath). If they are thoughts that urge forgiveness, contact and care of another, begin immediately. Distorted remembrances and beliefs hinder your creative aspect. Develop the intention to radiate goodness and goodwill so you can love more – forgiveness follows.

SCORPIO: Communication expands within you, becoming full and rich. Though it’s internal, you realize the need to communicate thoughts to others who can listen carefully, ask appropriate questions and maintain silence when needed. Seek these people. Let others see your strength and your need for security. Don’t keep secrets. Share a bit more. It’s safe.

SAGITTARIUS: Yes, a change is preparing itself for you. However, it has its own sense of timing and this can lead to impatience. A new world stage is being prepared. Your sign creates publishers, world travelers, foodies, writers and philosophers, allowing no one to overshadow them. Maintain the present direction. Doors (of perception) open by themselves. The grass, too, grows by itself. Rajneesh, a great Sag teacher, wrote that.

CAPRICORN: Spiritual forces, ever-directing, inform you to rest from climbing that ever-present ladder reaching into the heavens of success. You need to unwind from your extraordinarily capable sense of responsibility. Observing your actions from afar, we award your far-reaching standards applied to all endeavors of life. Now, you must relax and rejuvenate before your next tasks appear – and they will.

AQUARIUS: All realities in life begin by imagining hopes, wishes and dreams. These shape inner life until one day, dreams manifest into form and matter. Attempt to clarify what’s important, of value and what you must next pursue. Sometimes, this is difficult. Some of us live only in the moment. But within each moment is a vision of the future. Try to capture it.

PISCES: You had future plans. However, they change daily. Create collaboration with another. It will take you far into the future, where the world will not look as it does now. You understand the changes occurring on our planet. You seek to serve and not exact due service; to heal, not hurt others. At times, you are hurting. This is so compassion deepens – your particular task. The future isn’t formed yet. It must be imagined by all of us. Teach this.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Website: nightlightnews.com

Facebook (2): Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles