Fearing potential spike in cases, Culver City recommends residents stay home


With COVID-19 cases continuing to pick up in Los Angeles County and the city of Culver City, the city of Culver City issued a coronavirus update stating that residents should attempt to stay home.

While this sound similar to the ‘Safer at Home’ order issued on March 16, this recommendation particularly notes that citizens should even attempt to avoid visiting the store and other essential businesses if possible.

While this may seem like an extreme step, it is not a legally enforceable order, nor does it come without reason. LA County Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH implored in her department’s coronavirus update release on April 6 that “everyone avoid leaving their homes for anything except the most urgent matters.”

This change in tone is due to projections of a major spike in cases over the next several weeks.

“We are saddened to note that the virus continues to devastate families across the county and we extend our deepest condolences to all who are mourning the loss of a loved one,” Ferrer said. “We cannot underestimate COVID-19, a virus that knows no boundaries, infects people of all ages, and can cause significant illness and death, particularly among people who are elderly or who have underlying serious health conditions.”

The use of cloth facemasks is also now being recommended for use in public. The primary goal in using these facemasks is to limit the spread of coronavirus from the coughing, sneezing, talking, and breating of asymptomatic coronavirus carriers who may transmit the virus without their knowledge. 

In an interview with NPR released on March 30, Dr. Robert Redfield — the director of Centers for Disease Control (CDC) — estimated that the number of individuals that carry COVID-19 but remain asymptomatic could be as high as 25%.

“One of the [pieces of] information that we have pretty much confirmed now is that a significant number of individuals that are infected actually remain asymptomatic,” Redfield told NPR.

On April 3, the CDC recommended that citizens began making homemade masks if they did not already have a supply, and to wear them in public.

Beginning on Friday, workers and customers must wear face coverings (such as a bandana, scarf, or other cloth face covering) over their noses and mouths when working at or visiting grocery stores, restaurants, and all other essential businesses in the City of Culver City, the city announced Wednesday.

As of Tuesday, there were 6910 confirmed cases of COVID-19 resulting in 169 deaths. 29 of those confirmed cases originate in Culver City.