Everyone loves a parade

Photo courtesy of Julie Lugo Cerra flashback—Julie Lugo Cerra dutifully pulls her younger brother Carlos, left and her little cousin Charlotte through Vets Park.
Photo courtesy of Julie Lugo Cerra fun—The Stella Music “float” might have simply been a Dodge pulling a trailer of costumed music-makers, but it brought life and joy to Culver City residents attending their city’s festivities. In the background,
Julie Lugo Cerra, City Historian

Fiesta La Ballona is happening this weekend! During the early Fiestas there were two parades. The “big” Fiesta Parade traversed the city from east to west on major thoroughfares. The entries were the creative work of local businesses and organizations, whose people marched, rode, played music, but mostly had fun; and so did the dedicated family and friends who watched from the curbs. Along the parade route, stores dressed their windows for the occasion and/or showed off the annual Fiesta poster, which might have featured ladies sporting mustaches.

The “Kiddie Parade,” was a favorite as well, with parentmade vehicles for the younger set to pull other little people through Veterans Memorial Park. Everyone wore a festive “Participant” ribbon, and the winning float received an ice cream cake to share!

Take a look at the two photos circa 1952. The Stella Music “float” was simply a “Dodge” pulling a trailer of costumed music-makers. In the background, note the historic Hull Building. Originally the first hospital, many locals will recognize the transition it made to Freeman Furniture; and some might even have visited Sunset Drug’s soda fountain within. Marked as Historic Site #2 by the Culver City Historical Society in the 1980s, its city landmark status is fitting for the fine “Akasha” restaurant today. (Oh and then there’s that it appeared in “Tron.”

When one grows up locally, there are so many opportunities to embarrass oneself and our families…..so enjoy the Kiddie Parade photo. I was the older sister pulling my year-old brother, Carlos, and little cousin Charlotte through Vets Park. Hope to see you at Vets Park this weekend!!!

Julie Lugo Cerra is the city historian. She has written five books.