Esoteric Astrology for March 1-7, 2012

ARIES: It’s best to refrain from being out and about. You’re experiencing the energies of Pisces, which are often a bit confused when in the midst of crowds for any length of time. It’s best to be reflective, solitary, and with only a few people who understand (astrology) and support your many endeavors. Dreams and visions are important now. What are your visions for the future and how/where do you see yourself in the coming year?
TAURUS: Each day you enter a dream state, a place where your creativity emerges and you fashion a future world of safety and survival. You attempt to share this with others but they become impatient. You stand solitary in your knowledge knowing it’s your responsibility to bring forth the resources (land) needed to create the new world. Everyone around you has his or her own gift to bring forth. Recognize them.
GEMINI: Where are you and what are you doing each day and who do relate to and what are you reading and what are your plans and what is your timing and what are you hoping for and what do you need? Can you follow and answer these questions? Your answers are like a preliminary resume to join a spiritual community. All answers are correct. We’d just like to get to know you more. What meadows are you in these days? What flowers are blooming?
CANCER: Are you considering journeying somewhere? What are you thinking and have your perceptions changed? Do you find angry or aggressive thoughts in your mind and do you feel guilty about them? It seems essential that your home be ordered and organized. Even if little gets accomplished, do one organizing task each day. A boat (for you or a child) is a good idea to invest in.
LEO: A sense of reorientation hidden behind seeming multiple veils is creating a state of transformation in your life. Are you having water leaks at home or oil leaks in your car/truck? Observe and check all things mechanical and liquid. People or geographies call you from far away. You know your response will change your life forever. Enter the deeper mysteries. The door has opened.
VIRGO: Signs in opposition, like Virgo & Pisces, create an interplay of dark and light, up and down, here and there, until the two, frightened of each other, finally make peace, integrate and synthesize. All the sign must integrate. With so many planets in Pisces and Mars in Virgo retrograde, the possibility of synthesis can occur. Virgo is the sign of service preparing for the saving quality in Pisces. You are both now.
LIBRA: You may feel exhausted when confronted with your usual work. And then you may feel a wounding difficult to express. There’s a purpose to that wounding, providing you with the ability to have compassion for and to heal others. However, you must come to a state of courage where you can clearly articulate your wound without judgment, blame and with dispassion. Wounds become life tools. They balance us. They love you.
SCORPIO: if you surrender completely to your creativity, you will be rewarded with an expansion of gifts you didn’t know existed. Creativity for you works under the inspiration of aspiration and vision, which then expresses the beauty which all forms veil. You are to this revelation of beauty underlying life-purposes, which motivates all life events and forms. Do you understand this?
SAGITTARIUS: Know that your well-being is intact no matter how you feel or sense things to be. No matter what you think your financial situation is, there are realistic new resources and avenues seeking you so you can rest easily and not enter into states of unease, unreality or feelings of lack. Nothing needs doing. You are supported by all the energies in the world. Turn to others and also offer them this support. Your supply is limitless.
CAPRICORN: You may be called to express yourself in ways that could upend people’s belief systems. Know the Ray 4 reality we live within–the new harmony emerges from chaos and conflict. You always express new ideas with compassion, clarity, sensitivity and kindness. When speaking with other create a line of light from heart to heart, mind to mind, Soul to Soul (5-pointed star above our heads). Then the Soul takes over. Are you researching greenhouses? Are the yellow roses blooming?
AQUARIUS: You’ve returned to a place where you again ask the questions, “Why am I here, what is here that supports me and where do I go from here?” At times you wonder if there are enough resources to support your visions. You dream of home, family, art, community. Do only what you love. Simultaneously, serve others, supporting their well-being, security, and self-esteem. All that is given is returned one-hundred-fold.
PISCES: All Pisces will enter deep within themselves. This will happen naturally with Neptune in Pisces, continuing for the next seven or more years. A profound change and life refinement takes place allowing for great accomplishments that may seem like miracles but they are not. They are your visions coming into manifestation. Maintain faith and patience.
***Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition
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