Esoteric Astrology as news for week Sept. 6-12, 2012


n every astrology chart (individual, country, nation, event, etc.) there are two symbols (mathematical points signifying the relationship between the Sun, Moon & Earth) that look like headphones. These are the lunar or Moon’s North & South nodes or in Vedic astrology, the Dragon’s Head (Rahu) and Tail (Ketu). The North node ( j ), signifies the present/future dharma & the South node ( k ) past abilities, people we knew and responsibilities that need gathering, tending and completing. Sometimes a daunting task.

The nodes signify a pathway from the past into the present/future. The South node is activated at birth. It contains the remembrances of past life gifts and abilities. We spend half of our life regaining these gifts. Each time we reclaim and recover an ability, a stepping-stone to the North node (present/future, dharma) is created.

By age 50, we reach the North node. New realities present themselves, and incorporating all gifts of the south node, we step upon an entirely new path of endeavor. We begin new developmental stages, new experiences, develop new values and qualities. The nodes are always in opposite signs, in order to synthesize that which is past with that which is new for the present/future. Oppositions synthesize.

Humanity is influenced by the nodes in their individual charts (energies) and the nodal shifts and energies falling to earth daily from the heavens.

For the world, with South node entering Taurus – money, finances, resources, values, our ideas about and how we’ve used money and resources – will no longer be available to us. We are invited to embrace the new Scorpio ways of sharing, loosening our grasp upon “mine only” and offering our resources to humanity (in need). To think as “partners” working cooperatively, a human intimacy of shared values. These are the requirements of our evolutionary Path (of Return). The alternative is a very long sleep (pralaya).

ARIES: In the next several years, your presence in relationships will change. You might clash and disagree or a need for deeper understanding with intimates emerges. You will separate or marry, find a partner or feel solitary, make money or lose it, while learning about commitment, compromise and everything concerning I and Thou. Truthfulness and integrity are key.

TAURUS: Something new is being asked in relationships. Perhaps you’ve defined more clearly your present/future life. But have you taken into consideration, listened to and pondered upon those around you. Much needs tending from the past seven years. Everything sits, waiting. A huge cleaning and rearrangements is being called for. Health, too. You must take extreme care.

GEMINI: A great gift begins to unfold. Gradually you will come to know what motivates, encourages and provides you with identity and true confidence. You will also begin to express yourself in increasingly creative ways. Venus is watching over you, providing knowledge of your purpose, identity, gifts. The Dweller turns into the Angel of Presence. Do you know what this means?

CANCER: Your home. It changed last year and it’s going to change again. People move in or out, you add to it or abandon it, you need it ordered and orderly. Home is foundation, identity, roots and garden. Reorganization must begin internally. Family responsibilities increase. You may not feel brave. But you’re constant steady and stable. The family’s grateful.

LEO: You and others will seek to understand how to communicate better, how to disseminate information more clearly, what you know and what you don’t and how to deepen so the heart is touched. You may feel somber, worried about time and the effectiveness of your efforts. Do you reach people, you wonder? Eliminate what’s unnecessary, organize and become more efficient and realistic about finances.

VIRGO: You will encounter feelings of self-worth and wonder how valuable you are. Seeking this from the outer world does not produce an adequate evaluation. You may feel unsupported, discouraged at times in relationships. You will be challenged to create a new sense of worth and self as valuable. You may be angry at times. Where and what is in your garden? Cultivate bees.

LIBRA: How others “see” you, being ignored, the thought of aging – these are pondered upon. A stronger sense of self begins to emerge as you call forth self-confidence. You ask for inner strength and all illusions cease. Your home continues to be a place of transformation. Everything superficial disturbs and distresses you. A new foundation is forming concerning future work. Sometimes you want to run away somewhere. Someone’s waiting.

SCORPIO: The contemplative life becomes a need as you come to terms with the past, your family, who you’ve been, all you’ve accomplished (or haven’t) and things you hope to do. A cycle is coming to a close. A new cycle of endeavors with a new self-identity begins. The new life will have no dark mysteries, no past seeking completion. It will take time. You have time eternal.

SAGITTARIUS: You’re recognized as being responsible in your profession, developing respected standing. Now, in secret, you assess personal goals, aspirations, asking who are my real friends, groups and peers? Anything superficial is eliminated (slowly). It’s not worthy of your time. Saying the “right thing” no longer occurs to you. You seek a direct relationship with God, learning what truly contributes to joy. It’s a journey spiraling upward.

CAPRICORN: You represent and reflect the culture and civilization we live within. It’s changing and transforming. You, as a leader, are also. Have sturdy shoes. You’re constructing the ladder leading up to the mountaintop where you help create the new civilization. Do not ever find yourself lacking. You will build a new foundation based upon your great intelligence and your humor.

AQUARIUS: These become your questions for several years. What are my true values, what do I believe in, what are my goals and how do I achieve them? What drives me, what do I want to learn and what don’t I know? How do I better communicate my philosophy of life? Do I have a philosophy of life? If yes, what is it? If none, then what helps you go about you daily life, with what underlying faith, hope and/or vision do you hold?

PISCES: Outer world pressures and a great inner tension turn you inward to encounter your desires, aspiration and needs. How you were able to control your life and environment is no longer available or effective. At first there is confusion, then adaptability takes over. However, it is not comfortable. There’s a need to be heard and understand. A struggle emerges. You will strive toward that liberation. Call upon faith, hope and reality. Visualize what you need.


Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Alice Bailey teachings.



Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology