Esoteric Astrology as news for week of February 14-20, 2013


Valentine’s Day – “be(ing) of love a little more careful…”

Valentine’s Day is Thursday. Aries moon says “Let’s do something new and different. Let’s get out and about, move around, challenging the ways we’ve done Valentine’s Day before.” Valentine’s Day this year is free and easy, nurturing, friendly, happy-go-lucky, cheery, light-hearted, happy and optimistic. Let’s make Valentine’s day all of these. With sweet treasures in between, ”be(ing) of love a little more careful…” (e.e.cummings).

Friday’s Taurus moon offers us overindulgent sweets. Mars/Pluto helps us overcome. Saturday Mars in Pisces trines Saturn in Scorpio creating a sensitive push/pull, desire/discipline situation. The Gemini moon on Sunday offers dualities (this/that, you/me, here/there) seeking integration. It happens with love.

Monday Sun enters Pisces, last sign of the zodiacal year. It’s President’s Day (Lincoln & Washington). Saturn in Scorpio turns stationary retrograde (11.32 degrees). Saturn remains retro till July 7th (4.49 degrees). All structures, especially our social ones, slow down. We can’t accurately assess what’s expected of us. Rules and boundaries are questioned. They change. “No” means “yes”. Past projects and commitments must be completed. We cannot assume any new ones. We reorganize. Internally first. What we thought was firm and orderly turns upside down. So crystallization can shatter. So we can get on with the work of building the new Era Community.

ARIES: Your energy becomes quiet, going into hiding. You will look very calm and composed. However, internally you’re deeply reviewing your mission, what your dreams are and how to make them manifest into real life? You find you like to help others, you become more sensitive, hold babies more, cry often and identify as a humanitarian. The artistic becomes important, music and painting, dance and drama, religion and spirituality. You’re up at night.

TAURUS: It becomes clear that you uphold ideas that contain the truth of the reality of what is occurring in our world. You are very concerned about society, the circulation of real news and real ideas. You begin to identify as a scientist, one who observes the actual facts of life. You also begin to have an interest in astrology, the king of sciences, the Science of Relationship. You realize astrology is the language, not only of the gods, but of the new Aquarian age of astrology. You don’t want to be left behind.

GEMINI: Work becomes very important. It doesn’t matter what the work is. Work is child’s play to some. Work for others cultivates and builds civilizations. The work of the Devas builds form. Each year your knowledge base improves and this builds upon your success. You have become reliable, seek things old, rare and architecturally interesting and you come to realize that the next kingdom to turn to is the Kingdom of Souls, the 5th kingdom. It holds all promises.

CANCER: You become interested in cultures, especially those far away. You have a unique talent for buying the most perfect gift for others. A feeling of optimism has begun to grow from within. You think about traveling, of leaving your home for places unknown. You teach all the time, every time you talk. You must begin, and continue, to write down dreams, impressions, thoughts, ideas and experiences daily. You think of becoming a world traveler.

LEO: Even though you don’t believe it, and even though you would like it to be true (it is), you’re attractive to everyone you meet. Charisma flows from you, even (especially) when you’re silent. You will learn how to work better with money and resources. It’s most important to share and tithe and help others in need. Your passions contain both fear and magic, loss and trust, struggle and love. You sort them out.

VIRGO: You seek active cooperation with others close to you. At times you can be forceful in relationships. It’s good to be with partners and friends who have calm temperaments. You seek to have happiness in relationships. Great resources are available through marriage and partnerships. Take great care with all interactions. Allow an aura of collaboration to exist between you and others. Teamwork is your key to success.

LIBRA: For the next weeks you will exert your energy through energetic physical work. You do this to improve conditions in all environments you live and work in. You will attempt to instill order and organization, arrange, tidy, regulate and even classify things in order to make life more healthy, improved and more beautiful. Gardening is an excellent activity and outcome of the energies influencing you. You put all things in order.

SCORPIO: It’s important to pursue things that please and reward you, allow your competition to be exercised and a bit of flamboyance to come through. All of these can emerge if you focus upon the creative part of yourself. When you are creative, a new self-identity comes forth. Affection from children and little ones provides you with a spontaneous happiness and joy. Real companionship gives you the same. Who will you spend time with?

SAGITTARIUS: Home and family are important. There’s a desire to be at home and to have (own) a home. A desire to create a new family and to establish roots becomes strong and focused. There is a need for security, for devotion from one who loves you. There is an inner restlessness until these needs begin to come true. Create harmony in all parts of your life. It will magnetize all that you need, soothing you till everything you need comes along.

CAPRICORN: You are working on building your mind, using the movements and energy of your body to enter into a greater state of awareness – a state of yoga. Yoga means “union.” At times you compete against yourself. At other times, bliss sets in. You enjoy such learning, study and contemplation. In Tibetan monasteries, the monks learn through debate and discussion. You’re a good student. You’re doing many jobs at once. Poised at the center of each.

AQUARIUS: Business enterprises and financial dealings are of concern. Use all money with care and resourcefulness. Something’s changing and it may take a bit more money. You are strong-willed and determined when you know your direction. You thrive on the challenge of looking for more and better ways of living. You enjoy life, even when some needs seem unmet. Seek the color of every sunrise. Listen for the first sound of morning birds singing.

PISCES: Personal leadership will call forth your self-expression and you will leap into opportunities with courage and confidence. Your will-power and willingness is increased when you know you’re the first and best in your field. You will achieve much this year. Be careful not to overwork. You can also become ill if your health is not tended to carefully. You will also be tested. Allow events to come and go.


Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books


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