Esoteric Astrology as news for week Nov. 15-21, 2012 Preparing. Something’s Coming!


In our last week of Scorpio, sign of Discipleship, the hidden, sacred and the Ageless Wisdom teachings, we begin inner preparations for the upcoming season when dark turns into the light. This time of preparation is referred to as Advent (advenire, Latin), when we sense “something new is about to arrive.”

In Orthodox churches Advent begins this Sunday, Nov. 18 (two weeks ahead of the traditional Advent Season which begins Dec. 2). Orthodox Advent celebrates for six weeks (40 days & 40 nights) – a 40-day journey of preparation with a wreath of six candles (with one white candle at the center). Each Sunday one more candle is lit. The wreath signifies our “light in the darkness” as we prepare for Christmas (the new birth of the Light, the Sun, the holy child) has a theme and the holy season.

Each week has a theme. This week’s is entrance into new experiences and ideas, “making all things new”.

Esotericists around the world are also preparing for something new – the Dec. 21-28 Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) that only occurs every seven (7) years. Each day at 5 p.m. the NGWS recite the Mantram of the New Group of World Servers in preparation.

Friday and Saturday the Leonids meteors stream through the night sky. We light our first purple Advent candle Sunday. Sometime Wednesday afternoon Sun enters Sagittarius, sign of Silence. We mount our white horses, ride over the plains, our eyes fixed on the mountaintops (Capricorn mysteries) ahead. Silently, we prepare.

During this week we prepare also for Thanksgiving (Thursday, Nov. 22). We ponder upon all that we have to give thanks for. We enter into Gratitude, a quality of the Soul.

ARIES: There are feelings of intimacy with loved ones, and actually with all the kingdoms. A sense of complete knowingness about the life principle working within us. Feeling this intensely it inspires you to greater work in the world. This world work begins to fulfill you as nothing else has and you invite others to join you, teaching them, as mentor to focus, to cooperate, to learn to trust more. Your work is good, better, becoming the best.

TAURUS: Any things not working in relationships, loving and close as they may be, comes to the surface and you see truly the places where change must take place. As always, you ponder upon these thing attempting to uncover your part, seeing patterns from the past continued into the present. You choose to speak from vulnerability and not only strength. Though the two are one.

GEMINI: What changes are you seeing, or are you initiating, in your daily life, your work, tasks and profession? You ask yourself if all that you do is of service, do your chosen endeavors come from love? Simultaneously you want to know how to create a more healthful daily way of life and of being. All things not vitalizing you (what are they?) you must release. You can.

CANCER: You need more fun, more sun, more pleasure, more comfort, a bit of romance (if possible), more love, more joy, more happiness. You realize that happiness is what the personality feels. And it’s the Soul that expresses joy. You ponder upon and observe the difference. Nature informs you. Are you planting kale?

LEO: What nourishes you these days? This is a most important question to ask yourself because with all your fire, you can forget that specific nourishment is needed by your heart and mind so you can love more, which is your Leo fire heart’s purpose. What is most passionate for you, where do you feel most at home? Who love you?

VIRGO: A new focus is needed in your thoughts. So you can learn in new ways, and bring new information into your mind. Not information based on the past, but information new to the world and to you. When we stay within previous paradigms that served us long ago, our life no longer changes. We’re bound back to the past. A good place to begin is with anxieties and fears. Ask to understand them.

LIBRA: You’re seeking to balance your money, finances and resources. Be aware during this time that things hidden come into the light. It allows you to understand what in your life needs more work, attention, organization. Your most important resource is how you see and feel about yourself, how you value and care for yourself. What is it that you value? Create a small Self-Values journal. Write in it. Write about yourself.

SCORPIO: Before Scorpio is over, Happy Birthday. How have the Scorpio weeks been for you as multiple planets entered Scorpio, including Saturn, sign of more and more structure and discipline? A great regenerative power is available, allowing release of hurts, sadness and disappointments (those we forgive). Simultaneously, you may change your style a bit. Many think you’re a diviner (or divine).

SAGITTARIUS: A veil is drawn between you and the world, bringing to you a time of reflection, retreat and contemplation. So you can be restored in all ways, slowing down, tending to all things that keep you healthy, happy and more able when you’re re-called into the outer world. So many transformations appearing. Allow yourself rest during this time. hideaway a bit more. Drape yourself in shadows.

CAPRICORN: You want to connect with others who think like you. This allows you to feel not so alone; helps clarify goals, hopes, wishes, desires and aspirations. Usually your work is rather solitary. It’s important when working with others not to remain solitary and only within your own beliefs. Assisting others needs a more expansive view. Communication may be difficult. Wait a while. Your intentions may be hidden to you. Try to clarify them.

AQUARIUS: So much in your life is calling for renewal, restoration, repair, reconstruction and even re-decoration. Especially your professional life. If an artist, you will wonder when you will again report for art duty. Deep insights inform you of the next important tasks concerning your life purpose, how to manifest it more fully and directions to take. A state of quiet allows this. Especially when in nature, water or moving swiftly through the air.

PISCES: You are seeking new ways to exhibit your abilities, talents and gifts. However, in this retrograde time, you may not be understood. Your knowledge, spirituality and teachings may not be comprehended. There may be resistance. It’s best to not be so vulnerable. Best to travel, participate in other spiritual traditions in a place where there are crystals. Do not defend yourself when questioned. Simply move behind the veils.

Risa D’Angeles, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey blue books


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