Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 4 – 11


Friday is the new moon, 17 degrees Taurus. Sunday is Mother’s Day – for everyone who has the task of “mothering.” Monday Jupiter is stationary direct. Sunday, Mother’s Day, is Gemini moon. Moon is mother and Gemini is communication. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, retrograde, helps us to turn inward, to find the true value of our mothers, and to offer words of kindness, gratitude and nurturance to our mothers. All mothers, a task and job description, are learning how to be mothers. The task of mothering is difficult, confusing, filled with suffering and paradox. Mothering is an Initiation, actually. Some (adult) children are estranged from their mothers. Such sadness! It’s good to remember the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, saint of Right Human Relations with everyone.

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” In our mothers’ later years, they will look to us for guidance. Let us promise this to them with understanding, compassion and love.

During new moon times, reciting the Great Invocation together, we “strengthen the hands and arms and endeavors of the New Group of World Servers and women and men of Goodwill everywhere.”

Jupiter stationary direct. After 120 days of retrograde, Jupiter pauses, stands still for three days, before beginning to move forward again (13 degrees Virgo). “Stations” (stillness) of a planet are potent and significant. Jupiter is concerned with freedom, justice, culture, religion, adventures, education, expansions of all types and love/wisdom. Jupiter in Virgo (retrograde) has all of humanity tending to their health. As Jupiter move forward, we are called to focus on our health in daily and practical ways. An opportunity.

ARIES: Careful how you interact with others. Do not rely only on possessions and monetary realities (though tending them is important). Rely also on instinct and then intuition to direct and guide you into knowing the quality of a person, event, resource, choice and investment. You will be called to courage, a virtue of the heart and to a deep calmness that results when we one knows all is well. Because you made it so.

TAURUS: Be aware that you make impressions on many, leading them to follow your every thought, idea, action and move. Therefore, it’s important to act always with ethics and complete all plans, agreements, promises and agendas. You’re attempting to initiate new projects impacting life far into the future. You may be one of the few able to accomplish this. The future of humanity awaits. Carry on through any obstacles or hindrances.

GEMINI: You may feel a sense of tiredness, exhaustion and needing rest. You may also be dreaming at night and while awake. It’s good to create an Esoteric Journal, a Dream Journal, a Retrograde Journal. Recording your experiences each day. Over time the message of your life emerges. Maintain a light, fresh foods diet, eliminate anything excess, drink pure water, love more, and look to the stars each day for direction.

CANCER: It’s important to maintain close connections with like minded group(s) and with the values you find important. See all interactions as opportunities and seek to understand what the hopes, wishes and needs of others are. Know that no matter how life is now, greater community will be available to you and your family later. Careful while walking, lest you stumble. Careful.

LEO: Career matters assume new dimensions, co-workers need more care, you want to improve your health, create new work methods and tend to the necessities of your life. Big jobs! You realize this takes balance so you go slower than usual, foregoing adventure in order to create a long-term plan of practical goals. Your greatest success is acceptance of everything present in your life. Then everything shifts.

VIRGO: You may be traveling to teach and/or to study far away this summer. You may be planning meetings, conferences, classrooms and/or curriculum. You will definitely be communicating with others on a large scale, either personally or through writing, speaking, teleconferencing, conference calling. Some or all of these will occur and all the while you gain knowledge, happiness and goodness. You have an adventure.

LIBRA: Are you harboring a secret, perhaps one or more? Is there money or resources you share with another? Is everything clear and aboveboard in this area? It is time to arrange your finances so that debts are paid quickly. These times call you to be frugal, economically prudent, thrifty and careful, thus being able to conserve resources with confidence. Be prepared to teach others very soon in these ways. You will be efficient, informative and illuminating.

SCORPIO: Relationships are primary now so listen very carefully to what others are communicating and have the intentions to respond with care, interest and emotional equilibrium. Should you be uncooperative imbalance will ensue and you will feel you have neglected a responsibility. Direct attention toward others now. Because only from you can they feel special care, love and safety.

SAGITTARIUS: You may be creating many and various lists consisting of tasks and errands – cars that need tending, accounts that need reckoning, travels that need considering, responsibilities that need completing, and problems that need easing. Spending time alone will help you complete incomplete projects. You may dream more at night as you travel about in the ethers. Record all dreams. Over time, dreams offer a clear message.

CAPRICORN: Setting out each day’s agenda and assessing priorities allows you to have more wisdom and brings a clarity and focus to things routine. Try not to criticize yourself or anyone. Compassion tells us everyone’s doing their very best at different stages of development. New opportunities appear at first as philosophical ideas. Then they become goals. Rest more so you can imagine more. And then create more.

AQUARIUS: Home, family, property, community and parents become very important. Give them attention, attempting to improve relationships with family while also improving the beauty and organization of the environments you find yourself in. Do nothing that unsettles your safety or security, challenge no one, and calm tensions with exercise, prayer, vitamins, minerals and herbs. No storing them!

PISCES: It’s best to set this year aside to gain better health. A new sense of self identity results from this. With Jupiter in Virgo, you are working with the shadow side of your health (things hidden). As well as your Sun side (things apparent). You feel the need for clear direction and the resources that provide stabilization, constancy and the right sense of home. Sometimes there’s simply the need for silence. Inner and outer silence that let’s us hear, “Be still, and know that all is well.”