Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 16-23


Spring Equinox, Aries Sun, Palm Sunday, Full Moon

Late night Saturday and early Sunday morning the Sun enters Aries and Spring begins. It’s also Palm Sunday, Ostara (ancient name for Eostre, the Germanic goddess of spring) and International Astrology Day. Spring (and Aries) begins the new spiritual and astrological year.

Sunday is Palm Sunday, the start of Passion Week. Palm Sunday biblically marks the triumphal entry of Jesus of Nazareth, overshadowed by the Christ, into Jerusalem (city of Peace). Palms (symbolizing peace, victory and respect) waved and placed on the ground for the young colt carrying the Christ to walk upon. It was a procession, heralding the Christ as Messiah, the Promised One.

Lent (preparation) ends and the Holy Week begins – a drama of cosmic proportions played out for humanity. The Christ enacts major Initiations (transformations we all experience) for humanity. Holy Week begins with a majestic procession and end with a trial, Crucifixion and Resurrection. A deep psychological theme of redemption and hope offered to humanity, living as we are on Earth, one of the three planets of suffering.

A new world order appeared when Christ (Pisces World Teacher from Sirius), visited Earth. Since then we’ve been moving steadily toward a New Age. A new era, the signs are everywhere. The story of Holy Week is written in the heavens, on the Fixed Cross of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse (something in our outer world disappears). The New Group of World Servers is preparing for Wednesday’s Aries Resurrection Festival. Join us, everyone.

ARIES: Your true calling comes forth. No longer just a burning ground of aspiration, as the world begins to reorient everywhere, your initiating abilities clearly emerge, you gather your philosophical beliefs and goals, you are now at the highest level anyone can be in terms of world work, you begin to see your career in terms of how you help create the culture and civilization, how you serve humanity so their gifts can come forth, too. You’re at the doorstep.

TAURUS: So often you stepped into the shadows, didn’t want to speak up and out, thought others would do a better job. This gave you the needed strength and stamina, developed your awareness and abilities. Now staying behind the scenes is no longer is appropriate. You step into the limelight, begin to communicate, teach, lead, facilitate, make the transition from dark room to lighted world. You give your hope to humanity. It is the “waters of life” for them.

GEMINI: So much of your life has been about observing the needs of others, stepping into the great world field of service. This has been good. However, there comes a time when your focus most shift from others to self. To develop new tools. That time is now. For further development you need new studies, new people, new information. You’re ready to answer a further call from the Soul. This is a transition time for you. Release yourself to your Soul’s call and stand in its Light.

CANCER: Who you’ve been will no longer be who you are. What you’ve been asked to be is no longer who you can be. All the responsibility you’ve assumed for so long will begin to chafe, annoy and irritate you. You will gradually want more things in the world, less of a sense of duty, so your gifts and talents can come forth. The larger world, beyond family, needs you, too.

LEO: Over and over you will review plans, agendas, regimes and rituals in your daily life. And over and over these will change in terms of work, health, people and all environments you interact in. Old concepts shift to new concepts, discoveries break the mold of how you’ve worked and your thoughts on health. You’ll seek new environments that allow for accelerated activities in areas, people, places and things your heart desires.

VIRGO: Creativity, opportunity, options. What do these mean to you, in what areas of life? Gates will open for you, the Sun will shine brighter in your garden, and a new creative impulse soothes any sense of isolation. You’ve had to make adjustments living on hope. New realities dawn, a new sense of self-expression too. And a new philosophy takes you on a new journey. Be sure to have sturdy shoes.

LIBRA: All that’s important to you, all that formed your foundational beliefs, will be revised. This is a part of growing up. You took a path into the new world long ago. You learned new understandings, eliminated restrictions to your true identity. Now you revise your values, assume a greater sense of self-assurance, knowing this brave new world will always support you. Know every life dimension has its own truth. As you adapt and change, the world changes too.

SCORPIO: You will find the need to speak the Truth in many situations. Usually you stand aside, allow others to be the voice of society. However, this is changing. You become the voice of reason, allowing no false information to pass you by. You’re very aware of the impact of untruthfulness a. You practice “ahimsa” (doing no harm). Your work become a response to world events. Destiny has arrived. It’s within your heart, written in the stars. You are the Truth and it sets you free.

SAGITTARIUS: Sag is always philosophically minded. Recently you’ve become security minded, wondering, as you age, how to prepare and build a strong system of resources for later times. It feels like providence has arrived. You sense this and bring forth purpose, energy and passion to whatever you believe in. And so, the question is what do you believe in? What is most important to you now? The answers when contemplated are surprising.

CAPRICORN: You have stepped into power, a most interesting situation. Authority figures, not understanding the energy of relationship in astrology, may feel you’re challenging them, which you’re not. However, your very presence challenges previous beliefs of others and those in authority. You bring revolutionary change wherever you are. What is this? A call to leadership requiring you to display your ability to lead with both willingness and love, while poised within the center of power. You’ll be learning this over time.

AQUARIUS: As personal and outer world events around you continue to change, you learn to move easily within those changes. This helps you understand the requirements of the new world coming forth. Only your inner self can understand the truth of all matters, understand Right Direction and Right Attitude and how to shine a bright new light of hope for others to see. Your life situation calls forth your humanitarian endeavors. You will understand more later.

PISCES: Jupiter is in Virgo. This means it’s a time of healing for all of humanity, but especially for Pisces, Virgo’s opposite sign. Tend to all health matters in all parts of the body, inner and outer. Find a functional doctor or one who understands alternative methods of testing and healing. After tending to your health new opportunities will present themselves. New decisions will be made. A new change of focus will appear with new endeavors. Much of this year is a time of healing and preparing.

Risa – writer, teacher, astrologer, esotericist.

Founder and Director – Esoteric and Astrological Studies and Research Inst.

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