Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 13-19, 2013


Flag Day, Father’s Day, Chiron Retrograde

Another week of complex planetary energies falling to Earth. Mars interacts with Pluto (inconjunct), Uranus (sextile) and Chiron (square, challenge, ouch!). We won’t know how to comprise, we’ll want to be friends but our hurts will challenge that desire.

Friday is Flag Day. Early morning Sunday, Father’s day, Chiron (the wound that creates compassion that heals the world) retrogrades until Nov.19th.  It’s a long Chiron retro, from 14 to nine degrees Pisces. Where is that in everyone’s chart?

Flag Day. “Progress is the subtle force behind the ‘flags of all nations.’ Flags are symbols of the devotion of a people to their national soil and their national spiritual objectives. Behind the colors and symbols of the flag is a point of power which inspires the Soul of the people.”

Chiron in the astrology chart indicates a significant wounding and sacrifice, both of which create compassion so we can help others. Chiron is a very sensitive point. When Chiron’s retrograde, we enter into a healing journey, we hurt more deeply because the wound surfaces. This “echo” of wounds past occurs so we can recognize, remember and identify them – a process of healing ourselves. Like homeopathy (doctrine of similiars), a small dose of what harmed, actually then heals us. It’s a crisis. We hurt painfully. Then we heal, so we may heal others. Father’s Day. Let us celebrate all fathers today. Including Our Father in Heaven, the original template of the “father.” (239)


ARIES: Over the months things you have felt guilty about may surface. Also feelings that you didn’t do enough to help others. You will be shown many ways to assist humanity in developing their imagination. First you will encounter this yourself, especially through dreams. You will become more empathic. Healing abilities may emerge. You will be called to lead with maturity and emotional strength.

TAURUS: You experience how different you are. This is apparent in groups. Therefore you don’t join often groups. Only with those with similar thinking. Leadership is an ability needed at this time by humanity. This you have. However, don’t let your personal life be overrun by possessions and things of the past. This deters your leadership work in the world. With relationships your cooperation is needed.

GEMINI: Subtle feeling occur in upcoming months that you want to prove self-worth, your ability to be in the world (yet always not of it) and that everyone else’s idea of success is not your idea. Work with others only if it creates happiness (the personality) and joy (the soul). Make a list of your qualities, virtues, gifts and abilities. Ask yourself where you want these to be used. Childhood’s emotional wounds are over.

CANCER: There may be a crisis concerning your religion or spiritual practices. Being “on the path” does not make life easier. It becomes more difficult with more tests in order to strengthen our willingness to continue. Perhaps a vital change is called for in your practice as student and/or teacher. Take time to assess what is truly needed here. Perhaps it’s relocation. Or a refinement. Or a prayer for help.

LEO: In the coming months very subtly emotional wounds experienced in childhood (everyone experiences wounds in childhood for many different spiritual reasons) will surface in unexpected ways. You will remember and re-experience them for understanding. You will re-awaken to the loss of loved ones. All of this has purpose. A healing of your burdens. You will sense other beings around you. They are angels.

VIRGO: It’s important not to isolate yourself in the coming months. You’re being asked instead to cooperate more fully with others, especially partners and those intimately involved in your daily life. A partner may reveal something that hurts and in need of healing. You may re-experience feelings of rejection due to early life incidents. A greater balance of self-identity in relationship is needed in order to have balanced relationships. Chiron helps you.

LIBRA: You might remember wounds, illnesses and accidents when you were young. You might feel sadness or anger concerning these. You have great healing abilities. Perhaps you unaware of this. Your presence heals others. Your smile, too. Now the healing needs to be done within. Through understanding, through compassion, through forgiveness, and through sharing. Everything that occurs in our lives is purposeful. Everything is a lesson. “Love underlies all happenings in our lives.”

SCORPIO: You’re highly creative. Though perhaps you don’t realize this. Being survival oriented is a highly creative skill. During the coming months, you can help those attempting to discover their creativity. As a child did you consider yourself creative? Scorpio’s creativity is often hidden to them. But then one day, through some discipline (astrology, art, architecture, and writing) their creativity surges forth. This is one of those times.

SAGITTARIUS: Mother and home are important. More so now and for the rest of the year. Any insecurities that occurred as a child within the family will re-emerge. Are you the “unusual one” in the family? This has its consequences. We feel abandoned sometimes. However we’re unusual because we have a particular work to do in the world. We spend the rest of our lives attempting to realign with family. Others who are also “different” recognize you.

CAPRICORN: You may remember any criticisms and judgments directed at you as a child. Criticisms from parents, siblings, friends, teachers, etc. They may have been about how you expressed yourself. They may have created injury to your self-esteem. From this wound you are now always extremely careful how you express yourself with others. Your focus is always upon always allowing everyone to be heard and listened to. You never judge or criticize other. You practice ahimsa (harmlessness).

AQUARIUS: As Chiron retrogrades it offers lessons concerning money, resources and what we value. Sometimes we’re not taught how to use, save or invest money. Sometimes a sense of values (self value and the value of having and using resources such as money) is not instilled in us as children. So we must learn this as adults. When we have money here is a way of using it. We save some, we tithe some, we invest some and we use the rest for our daily need. We always share and save. Self-worth is our goal/gold.

PISCES: There will be a journey into self-discovery, spiritual purpose and life’s meaning. Perhaps as a child you were not noticed, pushed aside, made fun of or considered impractical. There were times when, retreating into yourself, you lived in a world of self-survival. It’s a world where you must now find personal meaning and not give up. Only when doing what we love will we find the harmony needed to live a full life. Do not neglect yourself.