Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 18-24


Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity


The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back). Aquarius is the sign of humanity and of serving humanity in need. Friday is the inauguration of the new U.S. president. The president’s role is to serve the people. Aquarius (humanity) is the shadow side of Leo (the leader). All leaders are learning to lead. And learning how to have Will, Love and Intelligence in order to have Right Action. Leo’s counterpart is Aquarius, what Leo longs for. Aquarius is the future and all Aquarians come from there.


Aquarius is the new age, the new culture and civilization. Aquarius, with Uranus, brings to humanity “all things news.” Aquarius & Uranus can shock us with the change, bring forth things unexpected & revolutionary. Aquarius calls humanity to approach life from a group oriented spiritual point of view. Aquarians have a great need for freedom. And the ability to serve others with Love/Wisdom (from Jupiter). This love is not romantic personal love. It’s a deep love for humanity. It’s the Knight’s quest for the Holy Grail, a “chalice filled with the waters of life gathered for thirsty humanity.”


Aquarius is a fixed sign which is a steadfast energy. This fixedness helps Aquarius to remain in the present, while also aware of what’s ahead. Aquarians are the World Servers, the Water Bearers. The “water” is electrical energies from Uranus, which brings forth “all things new.” Astrology is both the language and tool of Aquarius. Astrology, an energetic scientific system of relationships, provides the waters of understanding to humanity. Here is the keynote of Aquarians – “Waters of Life am I poured forth for thirsty humanity.”


ARIES: You are working toward a goal (perhaps many), seeking accomplishment. You are able to hold great focus. You are your own leader and authority. You are ambitious and professional; your heart goes into your work. You enjoy recognition, success. You can have pride and arrogance. Pause a while. See where you’ve come from. Where you’re going. Help others along the way. Lift them up.

TAURUS: Your life endeavor is to understand the world. Looking ahead, over the horizon, you’re able to see what’s ahead and so you prepare, allowing no hindrances to stall progress. You’re proud of your abilities and great patience. You’re curious and want others to be curious, also. Alas, many aren’t. You’ve acquired vast knowledge, more than most. Now you hide away, under cover, in order to quietly help others. We see you.

GEMINI: You soon will realize you must go further, wider, deeper into the ageless wisdom mysteries. You must finally accept that where you are may not be where you should be. You long to be somewhere else; a place that reflects your deep spiritual values. As you attune more to your heart, you discover that a change is needed for your spiritual growth to continue. The Path of discipleship is not easy. You’re on it now. Keep moving forward.

CANCER: You attempt to bring harmony to relationships, hiding any disharmonious factors from the world. Sensitive to the slightest shift of energy, when rejection’s in the air you scuttle beneath your shell in protection. It’s important to not protect others when their behavior has been harmful. It’s most important to seek out the truth and only the truth. Not one side. Otherwise you become separate. And lonely.


LEO: There are so many daily responsibilities that, at times, you feel overwhelmed. Tasks large and small, serving, sharing and teaching others. Like Cancer, you’re sensitive, especially to criticism. Therefore, be not critical…ever. Soon the hard work, responsibilities, seeking of perfection will ease. You’ll meet crisis with determination & clear vision. Cultivate your gifts. They will be needed in the world.

VIRGO: Things we need to acknowledge for Virgo. You’re unique and special, dramatic and able to express yourself creatively. Your fun-loving side emerges…sometimes. When is that, again? You’re at times adventurous, risk-taking. Then you pull back. Combine old world traditions with technology. Children are most important. At times you’re the child with an inner restlessness. You find your way.

LIBRA: There’s so much pride in what you’ve created…a self-identity, profession, social network, a social yet private life. You protect yourself while building secure foundations, your own new family and a new heritage. Relationships, most important, teach you how to love, share, give, take and cooperate. One thought in all this building up-ness. Don’t deny or reject your past. It contains the “jewel in the lotus.”

SCORPIO: Privacy is your keyword, your template, guide, amulet, talisman and good luck charm. Privacy protects, provides refuge (like the Buddha), is your sangha (community). You protect your home, family, possessions, and your personal life. Even your heritage is somewhat private. Privacy allows you to build a safe foundation from which you emerge into the world. But just for a while. We see you sometimes. We like you.

SAGITTARIUS: You need variation. You’re laughing. You sense restlessness, the need for a scene changes…often. You’re proud of your gifts – intelligence, agility, friends, adaptation, strength, fluent communication, knowledge, curiosity, aware of future trends, everyone knowing you while you remain unknowable. Talents and gifts equal responsibility. What and whom do you advocate for? Especially when so often you’re the star in the spotlight and valued?

CAPRICORN: There’s an image, a “presence” you present to others. It makes an impression. Some embrace you for this, others don’t understand you. The rejection comes as a surprise because you’re at your best when in the world, tending, serving, casting light on shadows. Some people are those shadows. When you’re nearby they must hide, turn away. Allow them. Bless them. That is the only way they can survive. They will change. Your character strengthens them.

AQUARIUS: There’s a need for introspection and seclusion for a time. Because you must gather strength, especially in the winter, directing all energies toward self-healing. While also in the world tending to worldly tasks. You feel often alone in a crowd, set apart from others. Aquarians are unusual, they hear a different drum beat.  You’re not quite comfortable at this time, seeking the feeling of home.

PISCES: Your tolerance and openness, humanitarianism, sense of equality with everyone, lack of bias and prejudice, and having no sense of social status whatsoever, creates the magnetic appeal surrounding you. Sometimes you must separate from people. Even as you adapt easily, you do not easily enter into close relationships except for one or two. You’re here, but not. A silver cord keeps you grounded. For a while. Not too long. A safe group, family, closeness, a home you need.