Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 2 – 9, 2015


Advent – Preparing for Winter Solstice

During the month of Sagittarius –a joyful (due to Jupiter) yet hectic (holiday preparations) time of year, a time when the darkness increases, we can begin to feel disconnected from the Sun’s light, our natural connections to the Earth seem distant. During the season of what seems like endless darkness there are festivals, both religious, spiritual & secular (worldly) that help us reconnect, give us strength and focus (a Sag word) us on what is merry and bright. Advent, a four-week seasonal event, is one of these festivals. Advent is Latin for, “something is to come.”

Advent is a preparatory festival of Lights following Thanksgiving. Advent articulates for us that, in the darkness of the late autumn to winter season, we are all in a state of waiting. Waiting for the Sun’s return, for light and for warmth. Advent signifies the Light in the darkness – a festival of lighting candles, one more each week for four weeks. The candles are in a circle…signifying the circle/spiral of life.

Advent began last Sunday, Nov, 29. Fresh evergreen wreaths are made. Four candles (1 rose and 3 lavender) are placed around the circle, one white candle in the center.

The Advent ritual is a preparation, offering us an awareness of time – the four weeks leading up to Winter Solstice (birth of new light) and Christmas (Holy Child’s birth). We are not confused. The two are the same. Each night the candles are lit. Each Sunday another candle is lit. Until by Winter Solstice, all four candles, along with the middle candle, are lit through Christmas (Dec. 25). At Winter Solstice each year, the Hierarchy begins preparations for Wesak (May Buddha Festival, 2016). With our Advent’s inner light, we begin preparations with them.

ARIES: You’re out and about, in and of the world. You can’t help it. The world, people, events, food, travel, adventures, mountain peaks, plains, cultures, culture, civilization–call you to participate. Perhaps you will consider writing a book, perhaps publishing becomes interesting. Think deeply on your goals. Create more. Ponder upon this statement, “I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another.”

TAURUS: I ask that you also think on the last sentence for Aries. And then observe the many and varied goals, dreams, hopes and wishes that filter through your mind each day. There’s not enough time in the days and nights to accomplish everything. Have you noticed time has changed? It’s diminished. Money, resources, financial things held in common are important to look at. You can do this with poise.

GEMINI: What are you planning for the holidays? Have a party, a celebration with those closest to you. The new moon next week creates a silver path. It shines on your relationships. An intimacy is being called for. An intimacy of love, marriage, money, communication, and commitment – all bundled together. You and another need to be at home together, tend to the house together. Expanding your love and direction there.

CANCER: Your health at this time is what matters most. Focusing on this, and not much else, is best because you have the capacity to heal more quickly now than ever before. Foods are also on the menu in terms of health. Prepare tonics for yourself and especially as gifts. Offering them in clear glass bottles. Are endless tasks and responsibilities appearing moment by moment. Say no to most of them. You need rest. And tonics.

LEO: It’s good for you to have bit more adventure, fun, play and being tended to creatively. You need to accept invitations, go to parties and festivities, be with friends, attend plays, art shows, dances, and visit other people’s homes. You need both Christmas tree and Hanukkah bush, lights and candles everywhere. You need to be loved, cared for, recognized and then loved more. Who can (will) do this?

VIRGO: You’re the light of the world to your family this year. You’re the one who nurtures and connects them, creating festivities that make everyone feel at home. Consider planning a get together for those who have no family. You will merge realities that are separated, unify what is opposed, and synthesize all parts and pieces. You love being given these detailed essential tasks.

LIBRA: Being out and about in neighborhoods looking at the lights and holiday decorations, dropping in on neighbors, having gatherings with friends, unpacking holiday boxes, making paper and popcorn chains and garlands, sending emails and holiday cards – celebrations and tasks during the season of light. At each holiday you capture its essential beauty. A question. Is your heart missing someone?

SCORPIO: For the next several weeks you sense a light shining within and upon you. You will feel lucky, capable, resourceful, emotionally supported and prosperous. Don’t run out, however, and buy everything you fancy, anything that baubles brightly. Unless it’s for a loved one. Most appreciated would be the offering of your heart. Even if it’s to a friend. We think of you as internal, hidden, watchful, reserved. You can give (and be) more now.

SAGITTARIUS: All parts of you are active, energetic, hopeful. You shine in this season. Careful of being quick to anger or impatience. You’re more assertive, daring and bold like a warrior. Therefore, be careful with everything – communicating, driving, walking running, using tools, implements. Careful too of things red, hot and sharp (all of which, to some, you are). You’re laughing. That’s good. Caution.

CAPRICORN: Mars is in your 10th house (of the world). It’s good to be out and about. People will see, recognize and be attracted to your fiery energy. You want to feel independent, purposeful, successful and creative. There is another side. You may be a bit weary, needing major nutrients and extra rest. Use half your time to draw back. You can still plan and create goals. However, act upon them slowly. Make health, rest, and well-being your central focus.

AQUARIUS: Everything personal and professional has the green light of change. You have energy and enthusiasm, you have hopes and wishes, you have opportunities and invitations. Amidst the many possibilities, you’re your many needs, you must bring forth faith. This is the belief that all you need will be given in right timing. When things fall down, don’t fall with them. Stand tall. Don’t worry about money. You will always have enough.

PISCES: You become more public, more of your leadership qualities are emerging. Something new is occurring with your gifts of communication, intelligence and knowledge. You’re preparing for something. As certain things dissolve away, you remain hopeful, patient, accepting, while also wary, cautious, circumspect, careful and coiled like a snake. Out of the wound a new creative gift comes forth. Something you thought you would never do, you begin. Bravo!

Risa – writer, teacher, founder & director…

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology and  the Seven Rays.



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