Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 30 – Sept. 5, 2012


Burning Man Under the Silvery Full Moon

During Friday’s full moon, Virgo’s (9 degrees) solar festival, Burning May is in full swing in the Nevada desert. In the sky the nodes of the moon (North & South Nodes) change signs. The north node (our present/future dharma) shifts into Scorpio and the South node (past which needs tending, completing, the Dweller on the Threshold) enters Taurus. For eighteen months we move into a state of reorientation, learning to stabilize ourselves through that reorientation.

Join the New Group of World Servers at the full moon by reciting the Great Invocation (on my FB page). Our invocative work during this Virgo (the mother Ceres) festival is for all of humanity to have abundant food, water, shelter and care. Let us invoke this together. Monday is Labor Day. We offer gratitude to all those, often unrecognized, who serve us.

Burning Man – the week-long, intentional, temporary, art-on-the-playas community, in Black Rock City (BRC), (northern) Nevada, ends Monday, Labor Day. The formation of this fleeting society, leaving no trace when departing the playas, is based upon “radical self reliance and self -expression” through community, kinship, sharing and cooperation. This is the new social structure. As our present society falls away, we will seek community, form places of refuge, based upon this experiment. The theme this year is “Fertility.” Fertile clusters of humanity, art tumbling out everywhere. Growing and reproducing, creating “life more abundant.” A poem on Burning Man’s theme. “There is no enough in nature. It is one vast feast…one immense extravagance. It is all giving, giving, giving: no saving, no penury; a golden shower of good things forever descending.?— by Richard Jefferies

ARIES: You will be asked to share possessions and resources, to drop your personal sense of security for a greater spiritual security. You will (do) attempt to accomplish tasks alone and with solitariness. However, you will need to join with others now to face the transformation & reorienting that has begun to change our planet. You can no longer dismiss others’ values. You will move from instinct to intelligence to intuition to sharing.

TAURUS: Relying solely on yourself creates a state of alienation and possible loneliness. It is important to become more sensitive and aware of others’ needs in your life, especially those close to you. You often don’t understand what your partner is trying to communicate. You want to “get things done.” You have a vision for the future. Is everyone taken into consideration? You focus on physical survival. But there are other voices, other planes of reality to consider.

GEMINI: Beware of not tending to practical details, becoming disorganized and avoiding making goals, plans and agendas. It’s important in the next eighteen months to create plans and routines, scheduling in the morning and reviewing at night, creating daily goals, seeing them through. Without this (new) order, you may feel out of control and lacking in clear vision. The Soul is orderly.

CANCER: A deep welling up of creativity appears and at times you are the center of attention by those recognizing your intelligent gifts. You will need to cease worrying, emerge from under your shell, create a path without fear and apprehension. Attempt contact with others. It produced less alienation. Careful if traveling in the next months.

LEO: Realizing you are dependent upon those you love can make you pull back. In the risk of loving you fear losing individuality. You live a bit within the heresy of separateness. Yes, there’s the need to develop your own leadership and ability to rule. However, for life to have meaning, love is all there is for you. You can love deeply without dissolving.

VIRGO: So often you feel the need to take responsibility. This sometimes moves into a state of rigidity and then fear of not being recognized adequately. Having a standard of perfection and achievement is important. Beware of becoming too intense, too in control, too fearful of obscurity. Everyone sees you. You are acceptable and good. The unveiling is continuous.

LIBRA: You understand yourself, your worth and values through the eyes of those close to you. You have made choices in your life that create at time an “isolated unity.” This can be a divine state, or it can be a state where you feel the need to discover your own values and establish self-worth by discovering your individual creative gifts. A crisis concerning this may occur. Someone loves you.

SCORPIO: It will be important to trust your instincts, to stand on the other side of fear, to stand alone, be decisive, asserting yourself while not being overly concerned with whether people think you’re “good”. Peace is wholesome and brings forth healing. How do we achieve peace? We stand and act within Goodwill (always), which creates Right Relations, which creates the experience and process of peace. This is peace’s only equation

SAGITTARIUS: Sometimes we have a dark bight of the Soul. Isolation is significant. We cry out in the wilderness. No one answers (at first). We feel separate from life. And then one day we awaken and the sense of loss and despair is lessened. We hear the words “divine is all there is.” We wonder what the path to divinity is? We realize we’ve been on it all along. First we were asleep. Then, through pain, we awakened. We know reality in a flash; hold onto it for a moment. Then it disappears. We’re changed.

CAPRICORN: There is a new way of meditation. We must no longer “empty” our minds. We are to “use” our minds in order to create the new world. We are to create this boldly. We cannot create with an empty mind. We create through our imagination, the faculty of visualizes. Our minds are to be an intensified light of constant creation. Visualize a future for yourself as part of humanity. Do this daily. Teach the children.

AQUARIUS: It’s good to say mantrams each day. The sound holds the resonation (vibration) that creates the future. We must realize the implication inherent in the words, “Humanity must create the new future.” Toning, sounding ohms, reciting ancient prayers helps uplift and purify the world around us. From that purity, and sound, which formed the world, the future begins to appear. What comforts of childhood do you remember and hold?

PISCES: You will need to travel, seeking people of fine spiritual substance. Most likely they are not where you reside. You may need to seek out unusual places unknown to you. You must reach out to others and ask for help, safety, in meeting daily living needs. Visualize how Mary Gray met Krishnamurti and took him to Pine Cottage (Ojai) where he lived and grew in light, from 1922 till his death in 1986. Study Theosophist Mary Gray’s writings.

Risa D’Angeles, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Tibetan’s

teachings in the Alice A. Bailey blue books


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