Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 2-8, 2012


ARIES: Do you feel divided between four ways, standing in the middle wondering which paths to pursue next? There are several past issues that need tending and closure before you will know how to proceed. They are being presented to you now so observe, assess, ponder, pray and have the intention to carefully and kindly complete all things unfinished. Then the next page turns.

TAURUS: Maintain the trajectory into the future even though pressures and people pull you back. The new realities must be brought forth and each sign has the responsibility for a facet of that diamond. As Taurus you have the illumination needed for others to understand the plans and purposes of the new era. You have land to buy, a model to construct, a community to build, expansions to bring forth so that many will be saved.

GEMINI: You experience confusion when you don’t stand directly in the center of all realities. You must do this to observe both sides in order to create a triangle of synthesis, you at the apex. There are two paths outlined for you. Knowledge creates thought which creates symbols which reveal revelations so Right Choice can occur. Ponder upon, draw and visualize the seven pointed, six pointed, five pointed stars and a triangle and the Cross. Again.

CANCER: A fusion and synthesis are occurring between what you were taught and what you now know and seek. Money is a concern. It will always be available. With others are you harsh, possibly critical? Careful. You may not realize your tone of impatience. The homeopath Aconite neutralizes impatience (an excess of electrical energy). At times you feel like a rainstorm.

LEO: It’s possible that thoughts and feelings from previous relationships are being remembered. It’s possible there could be anger about the ways your parents raised you which influenced your behavior in adult relationships. It’s good to ask what you learned in each relationship. And to ask, “Did I give enough?” There’s still time. Everyone is learning from everyone else, all the time. Your self-identity changes.

VIRGO: Tend to finances; ask for assistance if puzzled, embrace the future by investing money in supplies to sustain you and others for two years. Plan on others joining you. When ongoing self-critical beliefs occur heartache results. It’s important to know the difference between good and evil, dispassion and intrusion. It’s best to use words of praise, which neutralizes mental and emotional illusions and distortions.

LIBRA: Something profound, transformative and new has been occurring at home affecting the foundations of your life. By autumn you’ll know more. Good things are coming about in your professional life. Is family visiting or are you missing family? Are you thinking about and able to travel? Tend with care and kindness to all relationships. Your group sustains, nourishes and fortifies you. But someone’s left out.

SCORPIO: It may feel that you need to structure your surroundings so that nothing is left to chance. Also you want to nurture and build an even growing participation in a social sphere. You wonder what to do with your money as you are offered two choices. One grows, one dims. How do you decide which to choose? Which is more sustainable?

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time for something new in terms of relationships. Is it also time to travel somewhere you’ve been before to assess it with new eyes. Do be aware of how much work you’ve done, how hard and where you are today. In the next eighteen months your usual ways of thinking and interpreting will change. Your creativity will change, too. Some of this is already occurring. Is it topsy-turvy at home with life tumbling about?

CAPRICORN: You asked for a playful column. I see why. Pluto in your first house of self-identity. Everything about your life is deep and profound and you need someone else to make the jokes freeing you from the Plutonian depths. Let’s not talk about money. You have enough. You don’t have enough. In between is a childhood wound. You desire to transform all environments. There is a prayer that turns your abode into a shrine.

AQUARIUS: There’s a new reality in your life as the old realities tumble after. Perhaps you grew up with little or enough money. Either gave you have a certain lens concerning money. And here we are today, the monetary world collapsing. Don’t be fearful. From the ashes emerge great opportunities. Ponder upon priorities considering the world situation. What must (can) you do now? You’ll come to true answers.

PISCES: Things feel very complex. In your state of solitude all expectations are surfacing, informing you they must be forgotten. Disappointments, sadnesses and unrealized hopes, leading to despair, can actually make us ill. It’s important to be aware of this. Then see a holistic doctor who does astrology with homeopathy. Deep, deeper to deepest layers will be uncovered. In safety. The new psychology.


Risa D’Angeles

Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute,

a contemporary Wisdom School



Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology