Esoteric Astrology


Capricorn Solar Festival, Last Full Moon of 2012

Friday, sometime after midnight, is the last full moon of 2012. It’s the Capricorn solar festival. This full moon of Initiation concludes both the Festival week of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and the long awaited year of 2012. A full moon occurring during or at the close of the Festival Week (Group Impact) provides the NGWS with a greater potency of Light (revelations), opportunities to aid and assist humanity for the next seven years. In turn, the cosmic events of this last week will accelerate the intelligence, love and evolution of humanity. Light (from stars, suns, planets, Earth, etc.) contains information which translates into intelligence and love within humanity.

During this full moon our Earth will absorb the great cosmic light, overshadowing the sign of Capricorn, released throughout the past week. This light/information will be anchored into the hearts and minds of humanity. It contains the seeds and vision of the future, a new creation built of constructiveness, love, intelligence, harmony, inclusiveness and synthesis. Every one of us can share this vision, a working out of the Plan forming the foundation for Right Human Relations and World Unity.

Let each of us enter 2013 with this imagined vision. Let none of us be swayed from our focused dedication to create a New World. Let us think in terms of the one family, one life and one humanity. There’s hard work ahead in 2013 (#6). Let us stand strong together. Happy New Year, everyone.

ARIES: Your ability to communicate with more and more people becomes possible as you see the importance of expressing your ideas so that others can understand and help you. This is the year for stabilization. If traveling, make sure the vehicle is safe. Don’t assume more than you’re able. Make time for friends, join a group, and focus on using resources to bring forth the new culture and civilization.

TAURUS: This coming year will test the bonds you have in relationships (all types). There are needed lessons to be learned. Most important is your communication. It’s easier to be solitary, study, read, tend to chores, garden, visualize the future. These can be obstacles to communication. All of a sudden everyone’s gone. You must learn to listen. Not walk away. This will be a hard lesson. You will be challenged. You will learn.

GEMINI: You have visions to pursue, abilities to try out, freedom to get used to. Along with restlessness and a new sense of confidence you may gain weight (Jupiter in Gemini). This is natural. Jupiter expands all levels. Knowing this allows you to understand all events within an inner causal (esoteric) framework. Although freedom calls, you must maintain previous responsibilities. Allow nothing to hide your humor. It saves everyone.

CANCER: So many things from the past are reviewed. We grow in relationship to how much the past is loosed from the present. Our past always serves us well. Then it’s no longer useful. You will experience a caring protective time. Some of your life will be lived behind the scenes. Tend daily to each responsibility that appears. Ask yourself what you have faith in. And what supports you. Keep these close. Allow no glamours.

LEO: Whatever you say to others will plant seeds of thought within their minds, providing ideas that become ideals within them. Your vision and optimism are needed for those around you who will adopt them as hope and a sense of promise. Everyone interacting with your life also needs inspiration. That is a fiery word. It’s a Sagittarian word. One that allows people to see a future filled with new direction. These are your tasks in the New Year.

VIRGO: All your hidden talents, skills and gifts you tend to so carefully come forth in the New Year. They are recognized as you stand in a clear light. Everything in our lives is astrologically planned. Choose your thoughts, ideas, plans and agendas very carefully. Be aware that any gossip, judgments and criticism will be magnified and turn on you. Make everything good. God is good.

LIBRA: Seeking new understandings in the New Year you will perhaps study, travel, learn a new language, prepare new foods, -discover cultures you’re unfamiliar with, write a book (or blog), find a publisher or agent. All of these will be adventurous. Your optimism senses a larger picture of reality concerning life, family and relationships. Forgiveness is a major factor. Careful with money, schemes and any type of gambling. You won’t win.

SCORPIO: Notice your conversations. They will deepen. An inner transformation comes about; you feel a sense of power with others and a sense of empowerment. Remain in present time realizing thoughts create the future, now or later. You assess your many resources and inheritance, physically and spiritually. You work with others, combining resources. You see that you are rich with possibilities.

SAGITTARIUS: You will assess how you relate to others, personally and impersonally. Your ability to negotiate and compromise expands. You will sense a greater joy. New partnerships are offered. Previous partnership wounds dissolve. This makes you happier, with a sense of true personal success. Blessings come your way. You consider being a coordinator, consultant, planner, coach. Or you see someone in this capacity. Be warm with everyone. Be true.

CAPRICORN: In the New Year, you find new friends and a group that fulfills your search for happiness. People, hearing your ideas and plans, respect and are inspired by you. Your teaching abilities emerge. You’ll be in neighborhoods, downtown, out and about, all-around. As you expand into the community, home life will need tending in different ways. Do not overextend yourself. Eliminate sugar, then gluten. You will connect mind and body with health and holism. The Yoga of daily life.

AQUARIUS: Your mind will be filled with ideas, thoughts, hopes and wishes that are part of a long held dream. A friendship becomes something more (or less). You’ll be more playful, less serious, taking more risks. Is there something somewhere that needs cleaning out? Eliminate items you’re not using. This will free up non-moving energy. Things may feel dramatic, up and down, emotional. Use your feelings to radiate loving kindness.

PISCES: You will want to change your domestic situation, expand it, create an addition, move, decorate, re-design. This is your external reality. Internally you seek deeper confidence and personal security. The last years have been difficult with family and home. Emphasize art and having fun in the New Year. To offset long held grief and sadness. In the New Year you will be realistic and practical, setting your life in complete order.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books


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