Dragon: Year of Imagining


Sun enters Aquarius Friday morning – the light that shines on Earth and across the sea. We have returned to Earth from the summit of Capricorn; we absorbed the light supernal (heavenly light), radiating now from our hearts – healing light, to serve humanity in Aquarius. We become the waters of life for thirsty humanity.

This week has several important festivals and the red planet retrograding. New moon festival (3 degrees Aquarius, strengthening the arms of the New Group of World Servers) is midnight Sunday. Monday is Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon and Mars in Virgo turning stationary retrograde, 24 Virgo (till April 13 at 3 Virgo). Mars will quicken humanity’s awareness as we all turn inward (withdraw) to face Saturn, the Dweller on the Threshold (what is not completed, forgiven, loved enough, tended to, illumined yet?). When we have cleared, forgiven and thus harmonized our past, the Angel of the Presence appears. Then, we will begin to collaborate on creating the new world, share new conversations, absorb new ideas and use our focused, collective, coordinated cooperative power of thought to bring changes into and expand the consciousness of humanity: our tasks as World Servers.

Mars retrograde will be discussed for the next three months. Wednesday is the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The theme: The Great Transformation, Shaping New Models (appropriate as Mars retrogrades).

And so it’s the year of the magical, mythical, fiery, life-altering dragon, bestowing upon humanity special opportunities. How we traverse the first half of 2012 (retrograde, inward looking), determines the quality of our lives in the second half of 2012 and afterward. Chinese New Year festivities end at full moon Aquarius solar festival, Feb. 9, on my favorite festival, the Chinese Lantern Festival. Are the quince trees blooming?

ARIES: This year, the key thoughts for Aries in order to feel victorious in the midst of transformations in the world are: quality, value, sustainability, right relations with money and resources, being directed by spiritual values that equalize. Take seriously all of Buddha’s words. He prepared the way for his brother. Go through everything from the past. Eliminate most. Keep treasures. Take long trips up mountains.

TAURUS: A new artistic ability has emerged much to your surprise, though you have longed for this since childhood. Make contact, a sort of networking on spiritual levels with many people this year. Telling the truth concerning goals, purposes, the need for resources and resourceful people brings them forth quietly. Continue on your many paths. You have extra-planetary help. Pure foods alleviate what hurts.

GEMINI: Do you know what your future goals are? Sometimes neither Gemini nor Pisces can bring them into language or consciousness. We have goals but they remain hidden and inarticulate. This is a year of spiritual principles brought into outer practice. You find the principles sustain and create health and vitality. You’ll ask for no boundaries, thinking nothing is impossible. However, discipline is needed and this is a paradox.

CANCER: Whenever you find yourself in a group, observe that you have become quite able at accomplishing multiple tasks. When seeking help and support, along it comes hoping to serve you. It’s important to live life as a cooperative participant. As routines disappear, imagination becomes a source of direction. Maintain daily disciplines for health and well-being. You need strength for the future.

LEO: Work responsibilities expand. At times you may feel overwhelmed, other times, you’re glad for the recognition and reliability of work. Sometimes, you’re the leader and it helps you focus on what individual gifts and skills you have developed and now, they’re needed by the group. This is the Leo/Aquarius paradigm, yin/yang. Actually, you’re the yang. Be fun-filled for the festivities.

VIRGO: It’s good to assess all the good things of service you have done for others. These are your deeply personal and creative acts. Stay within these boundaries of goodness lest you feel emotionally exhausted and out of balance. The focus for you is self-identity, expansive trips and travel that sustain your spirit. Work and family are most important. Protect them.

LIBRA: You have shown discipline and structure these last years and they have helped create your self-identity as responsible and successful. Childhood may have felt difficult, harsh and cold, with either abandonment or strictness you didn’t understand. However, childhood was a training ground that has taken you into the fields of humanitarian service, assisting humanity always and everywhere. New resources emerge from the shadows. Someone misses you.

SCORPIO: What personal decisions have you made recently from listening to your inner voice and instincts? Do you find them reliable and do they protect you? Notice I didn’t use the word intuition because very few of us have evolved enough into intuition. We must be directed by the soul and build all seven levels of our mind to enter intuition. Another name for intuition is Rain Cloud of Knowable Things. You know a lot.

SAGITTARIUS: Wishes are powerful. One day they manifest – usually, when our wish has dissipated and we’re wishing for something else altogether. What have you wished for? What has come true? What are you wishing for now? If our wishes are deep enough, we can’t reverse their manifesting in our lives. Most of our wishes are good things. I wish for you right resources and right use of money. Love, too, of course.

CAPRICORN: In the next months, there are two important things to consider. You are to apply more of yourself to creative pursuits, bringing beauty out of everything. You are also to organize your money and finances. If children are around, teach them about finance: how to save, how to give, how to buy things of value and to care for them and have gratitude. All Capricorns are experiencing deep transformations like inner earthquakes. You are “riding the dragon.”

AQUARIUS: You will feel in the coming months, the need for a more stable home that sustains, comforts and protects, enabling you to look into the future and prepare for that future. It’s possibly far away from where you usually live. Or it calls upon all your resources. It’s possible also a relationship is involved or involves very close friends. Soon you will seek a new direction and bring forth new endeavors. You’ve already begun. Have fun now.

PISCES: Chiron is in Pisces and soon Neptune, too. Chiron makes one very sensitive to the needs of the world: sensitive to the abandoned, the unseen, the hungry, the homeless and the wilderness many of us live in today. Chiron’s sensitivity makes you want to serve others. Your mind seeks ways to create an alternative, a template of care for everyone. You seek resources. Ask for them. This is a spiritual journey; a journey of white magic.

Risa is Founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Website: nightlightnews.com

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