Democratic council candidates to speak at CCDC Forum

The Culver City Democratic Club will host a candidate forum for the four Democrats who are running for three open seats at the upcoming City Council Election. The forum will be held at the club’s monthly general meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10 in the Rotunda room of the Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland, Culver City. The four candidates attending will be Meghan Sahli-Wells, Scott Wyant, Thomas Small and Daniel Lee. The forum is open to the public with free refreshments. The candidates will field questions collected from the audience and Club members in this hour-long event. After the forum club members will discuss, hear additional arguments, and individually vote for one or more candidates for endorsement by the Club. The Culver City Democratic Club has been active in local, state and national politics since 1953. The Culver City Democratic Club has been a vital force in electing candidates to local office, as well as to state and national positions. Many members of Culver City’s City Council have been members of the Club, including four of the five current Councilmembers. For more information Culver City Democratic Club is on the web at and can be reached by phone 310 398 5328, email: and postcard: PO Box 4254, Culver City CA 90231.

The Culver City Democratic Club will host a candidate forum for the four Democrats who are running for three open seats at the upcoming City Council Election. The forum will be held at the club’s monthly general meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10 in the Rotunda room of the Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland, Culver City.

The four candidates attending will be Meghan Sahli-Wells, Scott Wyant, Thomas Small and Daniel Lee.

The forum is open to the public with free refreshments. The candidates will field questions collected from the audience and Club members in this hour-long event.

After the forum club members will discuss, hear additional arguments, and individually vote for one or more candidates for endorsement by the Club.

The Culver City Democratic Club has been active in local, state and national politics since 1953. The Culver City Democratic Club has been a vital force in electing candidates to local office, as well as to state and national positions. Many members of Culver City’s City Council have been members of the Club, including four of the five current Councilmembers.

For more information Culver City Democratic Club is on the web at and can be reached  by phone 310 398 5328, email: and postcard: PO Box 4254, Culver City CA 90231.