Demand democracy


Dear Editor,

If you live or own in Culver City and are concerned about potential damages to your home or property, it is imperative to come to Council and demand a ban on fracking until it can be proven safe.

Countries that care for their people’s vital needs, such as Germany, South Africa, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Ireland and others, as well as over 180 municipalities (local, County and some States) in the United States have put bans or moratoriums on this risky process until it can be proven safe.

The Oil Industry plays on our ignorance by trying to say this process is 60 years old. They are presenting half-truths. Compare this new unconventional form of drilling for oil and gas to a Mack truck hitting your house as opposed to a 60-year-old vintage vehicle. They are both trucks, right? Which will do more damage if it came barreling in.

Before drugs go on the market, our FDA demands drug companies to (1) “First, prove they do no harm” which is the Precautionary Principle; and (2) get Informed Consent (that you are informed and know the risks involved). These are the standards used by the European Union for environmental assessments, and on which the many bans and moratoriums rest.

The outpouring of concern at the June 12th State hearing reflects what is happening in many parts of the world where people are beginning to suffer the ill effects of this risky experimental process of oil and gas extraction. Our Mayor’s and City Council’s statements that night showed they really care for our well-being – that they too want breathable air, drinkable water, and stable land.

A resolution is like asking the County and State for permission to have these essential needs addressed. As a democracy and as a Charter City, we the citizens have the right to demand a Ban on Fracking until proven safe. Your presence, letters and comments will provide our City Council the moral muscle needed to do so.

Is Culver City ready to have 100 wells fracked under our feet? On July 2nd the Culver City Council will focus on fracking.

Please get informed. Go to:,, and Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community and Grassroots Coalition.

We do not need migrating gases from leaky wells that could lead to shut-downs as happened in the Culver City Dog Park in 2010. We do not need potential tragedies as the Baldwin Dam collapse or the toxic fires in 1985, when Ross Dress for Less was shut down as the fire burnt for days.

Demand democracy. It is your right.