Delivery delay due to designer’s dramatic disaster


Last Thursday, several readers called or wrote to comment or complain that the News was not in its usual spot on the doorstep (patio, driveway or neighbor’s front lawn, depending on the accuracy of one’s delivery person). For that, we’re sorry. We pride ourselves on deadlines around here. Unfortunately, a staff member was involved in an accident, which took us off schedule.

Our graphic designer, Jose, was working on a friend’s overheated car when a radiator hose burst, burning his arms and chest. He was rushed to a nearby burn center and treated for what one can only imagine must have been extremely painful injuries.

Jose is recovering right now. But the news must go on. So, we’re working extra hard to manage during his temporary absence. Everyone on the staff has stepped up to the challenge, and it’s encouraging to work with such people.

I’m not in the habit of disclosing behind-closed-doors information, but this seemed to be a case that merited special attention. When I informed one reader who called to complain that there had been an accident to a person on our staff, she immediately expressed her sincerest condolences, empathized and said she understood the reasons for the delay.

I think that it’s important to understand that there are real people behind the goods and services we sometimes take for granted. I’m often guilty of neglecting to fully realize that corporations are composed of individuals, many of whom are just trying to scratch out a living. I need reminders that behind any megalithic Fortune 500 company are dozens, hundreds or maybe thousands of low-income workers, doing their part every single day so that I can have my cup of coffee, football game or fill-in-the-blank.

It is in that spirit that I disclose the circumstances of last week’s delay in getting the paper out. I thank you in advance for your understanding.

We miss you, Jose. Get well.