Dead Bird found in Culver City tested positive for West Nile Virus


A dead American Crow was found in the 90230 area of Culver City and has tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). WNV is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they first feed on birds that carry the virus, and then bite a human or animal.

Birds can travel many miles from their evening nesting locations to feed and scavenger before they return to their root location. Although positive birds collected in a specific area are significant with respect to trends on a wider basis, it does not definitively identify a specific city, zip code, or location as the site where the actual mosquito bite and infection occurred because of these birds extended daily travel patterns.

Therefore, a bird infected in one location may die 1 to 10 miles away in another location. Positive results for sentinel chicken flocks, trapped adult mosquitoes, or squirrels are more specific with respect to the actual infection site.

People walking or sitting outside at dawn or dust should take the appropriate precautions to protect themselves from being bitten by infected mosquitoes.

The public is encouraged to report dead birds to help with West Nile virus surveillance and control efforts. Dead birds should be reported to the toll-free hotline at 877-WNV BIRD (877-968-2473).

For additional information about the Los Angeles County West Vector & Vector-Borne Disease Control District and West Nile virus, please visit the District’s website at: WNV results are updated on a weekly basis.