DAV ends year with special guests

Photo by Cristian Vasquez END OF YEAR-Members of Culver City’s DAV Chapter 123 celebrated their last meeting of the year by hosting Sua Performing Minsitry on Dec. 6. The group will reconvene on January to resume business as usual.

Culver City’s Disabled Ameri-can Veteran’s Chapter 123 hosted its end of year meeting in the Rotunda Room of the Veteran’s building on Dec. 6. The DAV’s yearly Christmas meeting was filled with food, coffee, friends, family and had a special guest, Sua Performing Ministry. Part of the festive end-of-year celebration was a performance by Sua Per-forming Ministry, a group of eight women whom danced different traditional Korean dance numbers.

The group and individual dances entertained guests as they enjoyed their meal and in-between-perfor-mances raffles, which included several donated items. One of the performers in the ministry graced attendees with an impersonation of Charlie Chaplin, which had every-one very engaged and entertained. Director of Sua Performing Minis-try Sua White received an award from President Obama for her vol-unteer community service to Vet-erans and Senior Citizens through her ministry of Korean traditional dancing and entertainment earlier this year.

For the DAV, the get- together was a chance for mem-bers and friends to gather and wish each other a happy end of year. All DAV meetings are free and open to anyone interested in attending. Persons interested can donate to the DAV by mailing a check or money order to Disabled American Veterans P.O. Box 5046, Culver City, CA 90232.