Culver residents can address 5-story, 200-unit Ivy Station Transit Development by Jan. 19


Culver City residents have less than two weeks to review the environmental documents for a proposed mixed-use, transient oriented development that city officials hope to build near the Expo Line station.

All comments regarding the Ivy Station Transit Oriented Mixed Use Development can be addressed to Susan Yun, senior planner at the Culver City Planning Division, 9770 Culver Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232, and, or addressed to Yun at 310-253-5755. Responses must be received by Jan. 19.

City officials are seeking to build a 200-unit residential structure with a five-story, 72-foot tall, 185,000 square foot office building with retail space as well as a 148 room hotel near Washington and National boulevards. In addition, the project will have, 16, 1000 square feet of restaurant space.

The project will have three levels of subterranean parking.

Transient oriented developments have been successful in activating neighborhoods and revitalizing neighborhoods in downtown Los Angeles, Pasadena and Hollywood.