Culver High soccer goes green for the green


The Culver City High School boys soccer teams got a jump on Earth Day, held April 22, by partnering with La Ballona Renaissance to clean up the main storm drain at the La Ballona Creek.

La Ballona Renaissance, led by Culver City resident Jim Lamm, is a non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating the long-term renewal of La Ballona creek and its watershed.

The soccer team made a commitment through the 99 Cent Only Stores to pick up 999 pieces of trash from La Ballona creek in appreciation for a donation the chain made to support the Centaur squads.

“We considered it an honor to help the La Ballona Renaissance keep our community cleaner and a privilege to be partnered with the 99 Cent Only Stores organization that generously supported our high school soccer program,” said varsity coach Dave Sanchez.

The knowledge learned about our environment and being part of something larger are life lessons beyond the pitch. I was very pleased to have all our levels participate, especially the frosh/soph team with almost a 100% attendance. It is very rewarding that our students are environmentally aware and willing to help contribute in such a positive manner. “

99 Cent Only Stores also sponsors Heal the Bay’s “Nothing But Sand” beach clean-up program.