Culver City to require vaccinations for all employees


In order to protect the health and safety of City of Culver City workplaces, as well as prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community, the City of Culver City is planning to establish a mandatory vaccination policy for City employees, contractors, volunteers and interns. 

“It is the City’s duty to provide a healthy work environment and to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our employees, their families, our customers, visitors, and the community at large from COVID-19,” said City Manager John Nachbar when announcing the forthcoming policy.

“I 100% support the city’s impending vaccination requirement. I understand that some may be apprehensive, but public health is about more than any one of us. My door is open for employees who want to talk about my experience as part of a clinical trial, or even just vent,” Mayor Alex Fisch stated on Twitter in response to the implementation of the mandate.

“Our community’s safety demands it,” Vice Mayor Lee commented.

In the coming days, the City will release details on the policy, including the date by which all 823 City employees, as well as City contractors, volunteers, and interns must be vaccinated. Prior to this, the City will be meeting with the employee labor groups to discuss the negotiable effects of this requirement. In the meantime, for their own health and safety, the City is continuing to encourage all City employees, contractors, volunteers and interns to get vaccinated as soon as possible, even before any mandatory policy is in place. 

In September, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to provide full approval to the Pfizer vaccine and approval to the other two vaccines shortly thereafter.  All three vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson) have been deemed safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death caused by COVID-19 infection. 

The City is encouraging the entire community to get vaccinated for COVID-19 as soon as possible. In support of that goal, the City has to date sponsored six vaccination opportunities exclusively for City employees, one vaccination opportunity for two senior living facilities, and two pop-up vaccination clinics for the general public. 

The Culver City Fire Department has also vaccinated 20 homebound Culver City residents. At the latest pop-up vaccination clinic held today at the City’s Fire Station 1, the Culver City Fire Department vaccinated 32 people. 

You can find a walk-in vaccination clinic or make a vaccine appointment today at