Culver City Sister City Committee offers summer adventures

Photo Courtesy of Barbara Honig DELEGATION: This group of two chaperones and eight high school students began their 10-day adventure as citizen diplomats to Iksan, South Korea in July 2013. The Culver City Sister City Committee is looking for current fift

The Culver City Sister City Committee is looking for current fifth-through 10th grade students who are looking for a unique sum-mertime experience willing to participate in the summer 2015 student exchange to Iksan South Korea. Applications are available at

Student band members from the Sister city of Lethbridge, Canada will visit Culver City High School where both bands will play together at Robert Frost Auditorium at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 17. This event is co-sponsored by the Culver City Sister City Com-mittee and the CCHS Academy of Visual and Performing Arts. It is open to the public and a perfect opportunity for interested students and parents to learn a more.

Applications are available at Feb. 20 is the deadline turning in the application. Also, applications to host students and chaperones visiting from Kaizuka, Japan will be available at this event.

Students moving into sixth through eighth grades will learn about the Kaizuka Exchange and those moving into ninth through eleventh grades will be exposed to information about the South Korean Exchange. All will learn about hosting students and chap-erones and learn about travel-ing abroad to Culver City’s sister cities.

The visit to Iksan will take place over 10 days between July 23-August 4, and high school age students and families interested in participating would be making a two-year commitment for this unique student exchange opportunity. Participants go to Iksan City, South Korea in the summer of 2015 and host a student the following summer.

Students will learn about Korean culture and stay with fami-lies that have a child of similar age and sex. Most trip expenses are covered, with the exception of the round-trip airfare. Selected students will spend the upcoming months learning about Korean culture, proper deportment as an ambassador representing our city, trying out meals they are likely to encoun-ter and maybe some important phrases all travelers want to know before visiting any non-English speaking country.

For more information about this Exchange please contact Iksan City, South Korea Exchange Chair Barbara Honig at (310) 839-9793 or general inquiries to