Culver City Rotary Club will honor its Vets on Flag Day


The local Rotary is hoisting the “Honoring Our Veterans Event” which will take place at the American Legion Hall located at 5300 S. Sepulveda Blvd. in Culver City on Saturday, June 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Chaired by Rotarian Joel Forman, Culver City Rotary’s President-Elect as of July 2014, himself a U.S. Marine vet, wants the community to know Culver City Rotary stands by all veterans who have served our county.

The event’s speaker will be California’s oldest living female veteran, centenarian, Bea Cohen, who has spent a lifetime serving her county, since her family emigrated to the U.S. from Romania in 1920. She joined the U.S. Army in World War II.

“Veterans need to be recognized,” Cohen said. “Never forget them.”

The special luncheon event will be hosted to commend all local Rotary veterans, in all five military branches, for serving the USA.

“Culver City Rotary veterans, families and friends are welcome to this special day to honor all branches of military service. Memorabilia will be displayed, and Rotary veterans will share their stories of service,” Forman said. “In addition, each Rotary vet will receive a new special Armed Forces Veteran gold plated lapel pin.”

To attend, contact event chair Joel Forman, or 310-837-7455, or contact Carmela Raack,, 310-641-0142. The cost of the lunch is $25 (catered by Santa Maria BBQ) and checks can be payable to “Rotary District 5280” and sent to Linda Forman, 11260 Overland Ave, #9G, Culver City, CA 90230.

Support Rotary veterans for this special day, hear from guest speakers, enjoy a delicious lunch and honor our proud warriors.