Culver City Rotary Club to host Casino Night, celebrate anniversary


Dubbed the “party not to miss,” the Culver City Rotary Club invites the community to the Club’s 85th Anniversary & Casino Royale on Feb. 28 at the Four Points Sheraton located at 5990 Green Valley Circle in Culver City. The Rotary Anniversary Reception will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. and the Casino Royale will begin at 7 p.m. and go until Midnight. 

The non-profit’s 85th Anniversary will not only help celebrate the many years Rotary has been giving back to Culver City by sponsoring numerous projects all over the world, but it will be a special fundraiser to help CC Rotary do even more!

Attendees can expect gaming, a poker tournament, cocktails (No Host Bar), a silent auction, heavy Hors d’Ouevres, and a pre-reception as well as a drawing for cash and travel vouchers.

Tickets cost $45 per person or $85 for two. Persons interested can RSVP with Rotary Club Secretary Kate Rosloff at (310) 403-9292or via email at: 

Community members who wish to participate beyond attending this event are invited to sponsor various activities of the evening, and/or advertise in the Program Tribute Book. There are three levels of sponsors: Gold Sponsor which is a full-page color ad, includes two tickets, publicity, $500 or in kind; Silver Sponsor includes a half-page color ad, two tickets, $250 or in kind; Table Sponsor includes blackjack, poker or roulette, $200; and Crap Table Sponsor, $400.

The Tribute Book with a congratulatory or business ad (make arrangements ASAP) are as follows: inside front or back, $200; full page, $100; and half page, $50.

To be a sponsor or place an ad, contact Carmela Raack at To make arrangements to have donated items or silent auction contributions picked up, call Kate Rosloff at (310) 403-9292.