Culver City kids get the scoop on the president


Kid Scoop Media invited two local children from the Culver City Unified School District, recipients of the American Citizen Award, to represent the group in the press corps during President Barak Obama’s visit to Sony Pictures for a joint fundraising event sponsored by the Democratic National Committee and the Obama Victory Fund.

Culver City Middle School eighth-grader Patrick Gardner and La Ballona Elementary fifth-grader Lisbeth Navar were given press passes and sent to Sound Stage 30 for the rally. While passing a host of Secret Service agents, the children stopped and talked with Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City), who graciously extended an invitation to Kid Scoop Media and the scoopers to visit her office in Washington D.C.

Gardner and Navar also met with Cat White, Obama’s American Sign Language interpreter at the event. White was asked if the president’s great skill as an orator and use of language made her job more challenging. “Yes, but in a really good way,” she said.

Before Obama took the stage, a few celebrities, including actor Jamie Foxx and singer Jason Mraz, energized the 2,500-member audience as everyone stood with anticipation at hearing and seeing our president. According to Gardner and Navar, it was a truly unforgettable night.