Culver City hair loss could be linked to water supply


With hair loss becoming a growing concern all over the country more and more research is being put in to determining the causes of thinning hair.

Hair loss is becoming a rising problem in Culver City as well as everywhere else with several new hairdressers and specialist support groups being started up in the area to deal with this one specific problem.

After looking at local water purity reports from the last 10 years, a rise in pharmaceuticals in drinking water could be held responsible for this increase, as well as increasing the risks of several other health related problems in the area.

According to the official Golden State Water Company report from 2012, “Culver City’s water supply originates from the Colorado River Aqueduct and is also complimented by the State Water Project.”

“Although the report claims that the company is continuing to provide water to the state which is meeting the guidelines from the U.S Environmental Protection Agency it also contains some rather alarming information about what local drinking water really contains,” the report states.

Although all water, including bottled drinking water, is susceptible to exposure to slight contamination, the Culver City water supply contains some rather alarming and unexpected contaminants.

These traces make their way into the drinking water supply through lakes, reservoirs and rivers, almost always after filtering through layers of soil.

In this way all water picks up natural minerals, although it is becoming more common for the drinking water supply to contain high levels of pharmaceutical waste and even radioactive material.

Although the Culver City water supply is not in violation of the Maximum Contaminant Level, it does contain Alpha and Beta activity, as well as showing positive for levels of Uranium, a radioactive substance.

These contaminants can be a serious threat to human health even if consumed in relatively small amounts. In small amounts they can produce smaller effects, such as hair loss.

The reason the Golden State Water Company gives for radioactive substances being present in Culver City’s drinking water is the erosion of both natural and man-made deposits.

According to experts, both Selenium and Mercury are the two main drinking water contaminants, which will cause hair loss, although Lead is another major factor.

Interestingly, the results for these compounds are not included in the water purity chart which the Golden State Water company publishes each year, although their section on lead content in the drinking water supply clearly states their policy:

“Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. GSWC is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components.”

In this way, the Golden State Water Company are very quick to claim that they are not responsible for lead in drinking water, although the actual figures of how much lead is in the water are not in their chart.

In this section they also state that if you are concerned about levels of lead in your drinking water then you should contact them and get an individual test done.

If you or anyone in your household is suffering from hair loss then it is vital that you get your drinking water individually tested for lead, mercury and Selenium.

When hair loss is caused by contaminants in the local water supply, the quickest way to stop the problem is of course to begin a new water filtration process to try and filter out the minerals and chemicals responsible.

However there are also several drugs on the market, which have been proven to be highly successful in treating hair loss.

Although humans should expect to lose around 40-50 hairs a day without their hair thinning at all, people losing considerably more hair than this should perhaps look at taking a course of hair re-growth therapy drugs such as Propecia or Rogaine, both of which have a very high success rate.

Although all the tests conducted by the local water company showed that all minerals were below the maximum levels set by USEPA, any levels of these particular contaminants could be causing health problems and these are not on the water purity charts at all.

Tackling hair loss may seem like a small problem, but if your drinking water is causing visible side effects, then it may also be causing invisible side effects, so it is important to make sure drinking water is as pure as possible.