Culver City faith congregations stay connected during pandemic


By Rev. Dr. Frances Wattman Rosenau, Culver City Presbyterian Church

Culver City area faith congregations are adapting in the midst of Safer At Home guidelines. Many are livestreaming inspirational messages or whole services on platforms such as YouTube Live or Facebook Live.

Rev. Dr. Frances Wattman Rosenau, pictured, lights a candle in her backyard as part of Culver City Presbyterian’s Sunday morning worship on Zoom. The music director led hymns from his home, and a children’s book was read from another. Participants in the video conference shared prayer concerns for the community, particularly first responders, grocery workers, the homeless community, as well as Asians and Asian-Americans who are being targeted right now.

Rabbi Zach Shapiro, senior Rabbi at Temple Akiba, has also gone online, using zoom platforms for study, religious education, and some religious services. Many Jewish congregations in the area have shared resources into a joint endeavor found here: Almost around the clock, people have access to yoga, story time, study sessions, etc. 

The archdiocese of Los Angeles is streaming daily mass from the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels. In Culver City, the food pantry St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, SAVES, remains open as it serves essential food for their guests. Culver Palms United Methodist Church is streaming on Zoom and Facebook live as well. Other congregations are using What’s App in place of a prayer circle and an old fashioned phone tree to stay in touch.