Council votes to regulate assault weapons


The often fractured Culver City Council voiced their unanimous agreement to pass an Action Item supporting the regulation of assault weapons, at the City Council meeting on the evening of Monday, June 26.

Action Item A2 read, “Consideration and, if desired, direction to the city manager to prepare and transmit letters of support for federal legislation pertaining to (1) regulating assault weapons; (2) S.173 and H.R.660, the safe storage of firearms (also known as “Ethan’s Law”); and (3) S.494 and H.R.715, background checks for every firearm sale.”

S.173, introduced to the US Senate in January of this year, proposed an amendment to chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, “to require the safe storage of firearms, and for other purposes.” 

The bill stated that, among other things, “An estimated 4,600,000 minors in the United States live in homes with at least 1 unsecured firearm, [and] seventy-three percent of children under the age of 10 living in homes with firearms reported knowing the location of their parents’ firearms. Thirty-six percent of those children reported han- dling their parents’ unsecured firearms.”

Both California Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla, co-signed the bill. The same is true of S.494, proposing a background check for every firearm sale.

The item appears to be largely symbolic – a show of support from the city of Culver City for what the California Senators are throwing their weight behind.

Later in the meeting, Action Item A3 was also unanimously passed. The item called for an expansion to the city’s agreement with Saint Joseph Center, for services for the homeless community.

It read: “Approval of an amendment to the existing professional service agreement with Saint Joseph Center to provide expanded homeless outreach services during weekdays, evenings, and saturdays in an amount not-to-exceed $705,565.”

A number of public speakers, including with lived experience of homelessness, voiced their support for the work that the Saint Joseph Center does, and the item passed without drama.