Council seeks to draft economic development plan



By Jonathan Smith

Culver City officials are seeking consultants to help draft an economic implementation plan to address current economic trends that will impact businesses in the area. The decision comes after a recent vote at a council meeting last month.

According to staff reports, an economic plan was previously prepared in 2014. Most of those suggested plans have been completed and the city wants to find new strategies that will help support Culver City’s economy.

Some of the concerns from the city ranged from strengthening the existing industries in the city and address the dependency on retail sales tax. Proposals from economic firms must deliver plans to the city by Oct. 11.

“I think you guys are on the right path,” said Gurbax Sahota, president of the California Association for Local Economic Development.  “You hit on a lot of issues when it comes to economic development.” A plan is expected to be discussed later this year.